
we do not believe it contributes to or furthers the discussion I had hoped for.

Evidence. Come back when you actually have some.

Nope. De Niro’s a fucking idiot.

This week in manufactured complaints...

No shit. I’m seriously unimpressed with the writing on this article. I can only assume that Madeleine has never worked in food service, because this is one of the most common and obvious scams out there.

...nope. Fuck this guy. This is just about the oldest FoH scam in the book, and no, no one needs soda. You can like soda, you can want soda, but you can’t need soda. It is a luxury. Sort of like going out to eat.

They gave up on “logic” right about when they got on board with “magic”.

Good. Not good that a child died, that’s fucking awful. Good that his negligent moron parents are likely to be held responsible for their abuse.

So...basically the same bullshit the Mormons have been pulling since the early 19th century. Exploitation of government when convenient, and defiance of it when not, is basically one of their core values. Other than sex harems, and ruling your own planet, and hating all the non-white people anyway. At least they

Closer to “Ultra-Orthodox Judaism sucks”. Which it does. By pretty much any standard of evaluation that actually involves reality, it’s completely awful.

...That’s just a “religion” thing. Convince people that they’re broken, set impossible (and insane) standards to “fix” them, and then sit back and relax as the endless cycle of guilt and failure keeps them coming back for more “help”.

So a belief is owed respect and accommodation in completely inverse proportion to how reasonable it is to think it’s true?

And I hope they lose big money over this. Wacky bronze age traditions receive far, far more respect and accommodation than they deserve.

It’s pretty scary that at this point, the Republicans are so fucking crazy that Mittens the Momo looks fairly sane.

Good. She sucks, she broke the law, and behavior like that certainly does that movement absolutely no favors anyway.

There is not much we can say to that, is there?

I’m sticking with “asshole”. That “diagnosis” may or may not be eventually added to by a professional. much as I dislike Marco Rubio, this particularly bizarre smear attempt (or whatever) would actually have made me like him slightly more if it were true.


In what way does she owe anyone an apology? Even if she’d known it was’s a picture of her...she could shop it all she wanted to.