
I can agree with that. I think that’s it’s fair to dislike someone for the things that they believe. But I think that you should do your best to make sure there is a rational justification for that. Rather than simply disliking them for being “weird”, “different”, or “icky”.

She’s slightly more insightful than a bag of rocks.

Religious discrimination as in “hey you believe some shit that I consider untrue/immoral, and here’s why”, or religious discrimination as in “Your kind ain’t welcome here, get out, or we’ll make you get out”?

Good. Being trans doesn’t hurt anything. It’s morally neutral. Conservatism is America today? Bunch of loony theocratic fuckwits shitting on civil rights every chance they get.

1) Don’t buy pre-grated cheese, it’s disgusting shit.

But she’s awful and no self-respecting human being should ever give her money.

Wouldn’t be too bad...if she weren’t such a cynical hypocrite.

And when those treatments demonstrably are not in the child’s best interests, the government has a duty to step in and tell the parents to knock that shit off. There is nothing radical or unprecedented to this. Abusive or incompetent parents can (and should) have their children taken from them.

Open mouth, insert foot.

Careful now, you’re treading on some semantics that stupid people like to lose their fucking shit going on completely rabid diatribes defending. I don’t really give a shit if we call it “sexism” or just “discrimination”. I don’t see how referring to discrimination against men as “sexism” somehow cheapens the word. And

Yeah...making assertions based on hypotheticals. Pretty fucking weak.

So freedom of religion means you should have the right to torture other people using long-discredited quackery, because you have a sincerely held belief that it’s an okay thing to do?

Good, but not even close to far enough. Fuck those people. Parents who do that to their kids deserve to lose custody, and people who perform those “services” belong in jail.

What a giant steaming pile of stupid. If the best that Albright and Steinem have to say in support of Hilary is a bunch of dated cliches and patronizing emotive appeals, then perhaps Hilary isn’t the right person for the job. And perhaps neither of them deserve any sort of credibility on this topic to begin with.

Assuming that our dislike of her amounts to nothing more than knee-jerk partisan “Republican, doesn’t agree with me, must hate” is pretty much the very definition of a reductive straw man attack.

You got anything to say that isn’t completely moronic? If you want to claim that those opinions have merit, then put up a fucking argument for them already.

I’m really not. If you’re going to make a pretty blatant straw man argument, you should expect a negative response.

So why hate her because she doesn’t believe the same as you.

Evidently they hate secularism even more than they hate each other.

Maybe try again when there’s actually a halfway decent argument against things like abortion or homosexuality. Until then, those positions are just wrong as all fuck, and should be treated as such.