
He's the one who has the potential to effect change. Trump won't be president unless every other citizen of the U.S. dies in a freak McDonalds-eating accident, and Jeb Bush wouldn't listen anyway. I bet you were angry at the BLM folks who disrupted Sanders, too? A good protest sends a message to people who miiiight

Hey let me know when you find a human rights movement that achieved their goals without disruption or protest.

Congratulations on your penis.

Gender equality makes me uncomfortable and you guys are making it slightly harder for me to ignore the inequality in our entertainment waaaahhhhhh

It doesn’t take a “fine tooth comb” to see if half the population has been represented much at all in a film series for children. Well, maybe it takes a “fine tooth comb” for someone like you. That would explain a lot.

#4 is a fair observation, and it doesn’t take a fine-toothed comb to find it. It doesn’t mess up my enjoyment of the films. Does it mess up yours?

Read a few non textbook history books. The Japanese were using multiple channels (Austria and Switzerland ) in an attempt to sign a cease fire as early as mid1943. They knew total surrender was inevitable. The U.S. would have nothing of it. Revenge loomed hard and the military wanted their test.

Coming from a racist prick like you that’s a massive compliment. And I forgot its sexism to call white women out when they do heinous shit. White feminism 101.

Geesus, there’s so much wrong with this, but seriously, what in the world do you think “colonialism” is if you think it originated among Muslim states?

Muhammad was not a warmongering savage. There are instance in his life in which he was present on the battlefield for the sake of: (1) Defending his own Qurayshi tribe against outside attackers; (2) Correcting a wrong by reestablishing human rights via military force. In each and every instance, engaging in armed

You realize the Crusades and witch burnings are part of Christian history right? If you go back and read the religious justifications given for the Crusades, it sounds exactly like the “religious” justifications for ISIS.

For example, theologians zoomed in on Peter taking up the sword to defend Christ from being

Actually by most contemporary accounts from his time, including those of whom he conquered, Mohammed was pretty lenient on msot grops he defeated, even allowing many to remain free. Beyond him, look at people like Saladin. Read up on Riuchard the Lionhearted and Saladin. Fun fact: one of these men brutally slaughtered

Curious as to what your thoughts are on the dissolution of Yugoslavia, where fundamentalist Christians slaughtered secular Muslims. Or does that not fit your narrative? And by all means, let's dig deeper on this. My senior thesis was on the transformation of Nationalist movements in Croatia from the Croat Spring to

You do realise that not all Muslims were under Ottomans? Ever heard of Safavid dinasty? Have you ever read about Ottoman religious tolerance vs. Habsburg religious tolerance? Or conditions of life for the peasants? Both left much to be desired.

Every Western religion has bloodbath after bloodbath in its origin stories and propogation traditions. And every Western religion has some group of complete a**holes misinterpreting texts to attempt to justify something obsene and hateful. If you think this is about religion, you need to open your eyes and say hello

I agree. I’d also like to point out that the Duggar’s version of Christianity has nothing to do with Jesus.

The Holocaust is on Christians, anti antisemitism was an official doctrine of the Catholic church until the after the war was long over.

To be fair, who - other than literally every sentient being in the universe - could have predicted that US intervention in the Middle East would have horrifying unintended consequences?

Yes to all of this. The only reason the Duggars are even a thing is because people like that.

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Required viewing before you try pulling a Scrooge McDuck: