
lol you white people get so principled and by the book about “rights” when it’s a white supremacist because you aren’t the target of their ire. I’m sure you’d be the same way if he belonged to a group where you were the target, right?

Yes, but Reddit is a privately owned operation so they can do whatever the fuck they want, thank god. They are under no obligation to give those shit-munchers a platform.

Blaming everyone but the candidate who didn’t visit Michigan, release her speeches, stand with Standing Rock, and, yes, who lied in her emails about standing with workers against the Columbia Trade Pact while behind the scenes encouraging Senators to support it. Sorry babe. This is all on her. And the people who voted

Given how Israel has stolen their land, allows armed militias of illegal settlers to take pot shots at protesters, and has regularly used banned weapons (white phosphate), as well as super-dense metal-dust bombs, not to mention the completely indiscriminate bombing of Gaza City, the mass murder through bombing of

Dear Entire Town of Dearborn, Kansas,

many iranian women have travelled iran alone. How nice for you to position yourself as the outsdier willing to break the rules. Iranian women have been living under this regime for decades, and have figured out how to live their lives under it. Despite what you may have been told, or not seen, they do have some

Oh God, it’s happening...

“The mashed potatoes still aren’t hot enough!”

The only people currently stupid enough to be fighting against science are all old and, hopefully, dying soon. Like that snowball in the Senate guy. I can only hope that the future has far less of them.

I’m starring you AND replying so this masterclass in stupidity and racism can get bumped to the top, as a shining example of what a terrible human being looks like.

I need to vent about 9/11 fetishizing and this seems like a safe place to do it.

To most ‘Muricans any brown person is a potential terrorist. Look at the attacks on Middle Eastern people that always occur around 9/11.

We could add to the 9/11 name scroll all of the innocent civilians killed in our little war against Iraq. A country who had nothing to do with 9/11.

That would involve people actually reading though.

The article even explicitly states “British security”.

You’re missing the point. These shitty things are done by people who plop themselves from nowhere and remake the city in the image of what they think NYC should be.A coworker would tell me over and over again that she wears black because New yorkers wear black. She’s a transplant, I’m a native, and I wear colors.

those girls aren’t exactly angels

Thank you. I’m not even Indian, but I’m well familiar with the Jez commentariat’s general xenophobia when discussing atrocities in other parts of the world. And yet you never hear them going “UGH, AMERICAN CULTURE, SO BACKWARDS AND EVIL” about any of the horrendous sex crimes this site reports on from the U.S.

And in

Seriously. I’ve pointed this out before, but...