That sounds way more fun than any bachelorette party I've ever been to.
That sounds way more fun than any bachelorette party I've ever been to.
The ONLY time it's acceptable to fire a wedding party member are the times it's acceptable to fire them as a friend forever: If they sleep with your fiance, say something racist about another wedding party member, stuff like that. A friend fired a groomsman after he fell into one-sided love with and started stalking…
HA HA! Satan is real! The Age of Suffering has begun!
Good, any story or person that romanticizes slavery and southern bigotry can get fucking bent. That's means you Blake Lively and anyone/everyone who has ever had a wedding/event at a plantation.
The problem is white women, who objectively have it pretty good, often drown out women of color and transgender women, who objectively have it way fucking worse.
Why is the bitch still getting interviewed?
I think stuff like fine china are sort of cultural remnants. My parents certainly didn't need them but it was still in vogue to give them as a wedding gift. I laughed when my mom asked if I was registering for china! I registered for some nice, generic white plates and cups and bowls at Crate and Barrel, they will…
National Domestic Violence Hotline
If Chaz doesn't have the decency to tell THE TRUTH about his floor-shitting incident by midnight tonight, I will have no choice but to publish personal information about him so we can all get to the bottom of this.
Well he's doing a damn fine job of playing up his own victimization at the hands of the meanie, weenie liberal elites.
You may not accuse me of racism, sexism, blah blah-ish without asking me for my point of view first. I may or may not choose to give it to you.
You may not accuse me of racism, sexism, blah blah-ish without asking me for my point of view first.
My wife made an Easter Bunny cake once using some fancy mold. Bunny' small cute with white frosting and coconut fur but when you cut it open she had used red cake mix. This is afflicting but what the hell, we ate it anyway.
I am so tired of this. Yes, we have a monarchy. Guess what? Most of the countries in the world that have the highest levels of wealth and satisfaction are constitutional monarchies. Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Japan, etc. We have a head of state who does all of the ribbon-cutting and ceremonial crap and a head of…
He also said that Kayne spilling the truth about how he doesn't care about black people the worst moment of his presidency, he is a vile racist and a war criminal yet these dumbasses think that he is "harmless".
He also said many racist things and i remember him calling people from Pakistan, Pakis (that is one of the most vile racial slurs out there). It is embarrassing and disgusting how so many Americans forget all the vile things he said and done.
Lets not play this game, it may easy for Americans to forget how much death and destruction this War Criminal has caused.
Hey, Miss Doesn't-Find-Me-Sexually-Attractive-Anymore! I just tripled my productivity!
but Bey told you: to the left, to the left