
I'm pretty sure they're talking about white as in skin color rather than white as in Caucasian. Asian society has been emphasizing white skin as a beauty standard for CENTURIES. Impossible beauty standard, yes. Bad English translation, yes. Racism? Questionable.

Katherine Heigl is a cheap knockoff version.

can't agree enough on number 4

This always gets my dander up. And my hackles, and my ire.

Yes! Not even joking, I was watching a rerun of Boy Meets World last night, and there was an episode where Cory accidentally electrocutes himself and goes back to the 50s, and even from his place of privilege, it sucked, because everyone was terrified about looming nuclear war.

Good, but you forgot conservative. God help you if you leaned left...

Conservative Logic 101: "Feminism Ruins Women's Studies."

Care you explain why you're still funding these freeloaders, Britons, when they won't even properly entertain us?????

I'm just amazed that so many people were instantly able to recognize the dick as belonging to a specific porn star. And this is coming from a gay dude who started sucking cock at 15. I could barely recognize my own dick in a lineup of cock closeups, let alone somebody else's.

Cross-posting kills. I feel that's the truth of it. All the safe, informative, and intellectual places are going away in both society and online. They're becoming flush with folks that don't like or at least don't appreciate the idea of a safe, friendly discussion. They think they're doing a favor to those they are

We don't know if Hilary knew this so I'm just going to assume she thought it was legitimate. But even if she knew it still looks like she is totally ok with websites posting people's private pictures.

What the actual fuck Jezebel, how can you put a link to his naked pictures when you are constantly writing about how terrible it is when this happens to women? Even if they aren't his it's still not ok to put a link.

I'm a huge fan of OKCupid! I agree that sending messages is a numbers game. But it's win-able for sure (as you've proved, Whitson)! I've noticed guys can tip the numbers in their favor with this basic strategy: 1) Find something in a girls' profile that he shares in common, then 2) ask her a *question* about it.

Ok, Jezebel needs an ACTUAL DEFENSE LAWYER on their staff and NOW. I'm not saying that nobody should be allowed to comment on anything they don't have a degree in but trying to analyze the proceedings of a criminal trial is hard to do without being biased is hard to do even when you are an expert on the law, but it's

Yeah because the defense and the prosectution both agreeing to railroad a guy never caused problems in the South (and in the North but still)— I mean who could ever think that failing to mount a zealous defense of rape allegations would be an issue.

This seems like a story about how our legal system deals with rape cases than a story about Clinton. If questioning the victim's character is a valid strategy for the defense then it seems it would be very unethical (for a lawyer) for Clinton to not attempt that in the court.

Totally agree. Even murders and rapists deserve legal representation. If Hillary acted otherwise, she would have been disbarred.

"And that even Hillary Clinton didn't have the balls to set her career goals aside for a moment and stand up to what she must have known was bullshit"

The quick wit we've come to expect from Honey Boo Boo