
This black woman is just letting her hair do her thing. Thankfully I have been wearing wigs to work and letting my natural hair rest and this lockdown has been an opportunity to also rest my natural hair from those as well. I put on a wig to videoconference then that heifer is back on her stand. I had stocked up on

This is pandemic, we’ve got bodies to bury - its not a time for hair care.

People are fucking dying.

Don’t be! These are strange times, that no one could really emotionally prepare for. Most people’s routines are totally gone. Be kind to yourself, balance is a verb. You'll get back on track.

It would presumably be better if entertainers were not producing more entertainment, so that we would have more shelter-in-place time to play cards or something. Just in the last couple of weeks, I’ve noticed that Joan’s most unjustifiably nasty digs is are consistently aimed at young women: the bikini model who dared

they got their plague and they got their anti-Christ. How many more are needed to declare Bingo? 

What annoys me also is that she suffered online harassment from this man for years. He was the most disgusting troll and now he’s in jail and this show comes out and a great number of people in this country or let’s face it, the world, take to the internet to shit on this woman.

Sure, but have every attendee sign a waiver. No medical care of any kind for you if you get infected.

Liking this, but I’d hate to screw any free thinkers that are trapped in a southern state. 

I really hope people are keeping situations like yours in mind when choosing their choices about getting groceries delivered. I haven’t considered it yet because I’m “young and healthy” and can go to the store with relatively small risk to myself, my family and the community. (FWIW I also live in a state that as of

A member of my local assembly called me on the phone to check to see how I was doing. He let me know all in-person gatherings were cancelled, but made sure I knew how to access online services via Zoom ect. The main website has links to CDC guidelines. THIS is how you  treat people when you really care about them.

I find it pretty gross that a bunch of toxic men with a vested interest in her destruction and a bitter ex-wife make a slew of salacious, baseless allegations about her sticking her ex in a meat grinder, and people have just up and bought it wholesale that it must be the truth.

Thanks for posting on this topic. I just joined Imperfect on your recommendation. It’s more affordable than the small farm deliveries I’ve been researching here in Boston. I’ve been getting Whole Foods delivery for about a year now and it’s amazing. But delivery with them has become almost impossible because now

I had some leftover Chana Masala that my husband made last night (bomb!) with some leftover grilled chicken and part of an Aldi’s 90 second grains packet.

That’s what somehow still astounds me about these fuckers—they remain genuinely shocked that the actual job exists. They honestly seem to think that they simply deserve a taxpayer funded mansion/lifestyle and are totally butthurt that they are expected to show up anywhere, let alone deal with state issues.

The face when you realize that your elected office will require actual, difficult work:

Did Trump send out something yesterday granting his minions permission to issue shelter in place orders? Georgia, Florida, Mississippi- all got it together on the same day? That can't be a coincidence.

Could’ve had a competent Stacey Abrams if that ignorant cracker asshole didn’t cheat.

If only a major government agency focused on the cause and spread of disease were located closer to the governor’s mansion...

Kemp proves that being cunningly devious enough to steal an election doesn’t make you smart and certainly does not make you a good person.