
Another very enthusiastic vote for Snag Tights, both the chub rub shorts and the full tights are delightful! 

For more budget friendly but still very comfortable tights, Snag Tights is amazing. I never knew tights could be comfortable before I got a pair of theirs.

No Modcloth? I bought a gorgeous black velvet dress with art deco beaded spiderwebs there recently, that has been getting a lot of envious looks, and they had a couple numbers in a 1930s roses-and-spiderweb print as well. Most of their offerings are too cutesie for my taste, but their sensibility is solid.

Now playing

Been loving the recent Gorillaz releases. “Song Machine” is a success, I’d say. I’m 110% still blasting Désolé, which might be one of my favorite songs of the year so far.

Anyone giving you a hard time for this is an arrogant ass-clown and part of the reason wine has such an intimidating, high barrier to entry for lots of people.

When the album first debuted, Richter arranged a two-night concert where the audience reserved luxury cots and settled in under the stars. (And $250 for two nights actually seems quite reasonable.) I was totally obsessed with the concept and downloaded the album to help me sleep on a flight from NYC to New Zealand.

I’m glad I’m not the only one bothered by that. Way too much space around her nose and chin with that mask & how she’s wearing it.

The woman in the photo should be totally anxious - she’s not wearing her mask correctly.

During this pandemic, especially in New York, everything is a zero sum game. If an anesthesiologist helps you in any way during an IVF or fertility related procedure, that was expertise, time, medical supplies, and pain relief meds that will not be used to help someone who is recovering or dying from Covid 19 do so

I live in the Bay Area and know several people that work at Instacart and similar gig economy/ tech company HQs. These people make INSANE salaries. Middle management well over 6 figures. Their holiday parties are LUXURIOUS. Their stock offerings are NUTS.

Yeah, I get that. I didn’t take drugs in my teens or twenties, so I missed my prime drug taking years, I guess, but the recent stories about the uses of LSD and psilocybin microdoses have intrigued me.  I’m not going to try anything while I’m home with only a dog who is terrified of everything to back me up, though. 

Dr. Yuko, thanks for sharing this. I’ve shared it among my circle of friends, and hopefully they and others will find it helpful. I’ve been recommending another, commercial, anxiety workbook but deliveries of those are delayed, since they’re non-essential items -- though I’d quibble with that designation just now.

While I feel for anyone who has had to delay fertility treatments because of the pandemic, easing restrictions on elective medical procedures in the hardest hit area in the country seems...unwise.

Just stick a straw in the bag and call it a Capri Sun.

How many more times are you going to ask this stupid, fucking, irrevelant-ass question?

Many top experts are saying all we need is Jezeus in our hearts right now to get through these trying times.

As a Georgian who supported her gubernatorial bid, no. Please just go run for Senate, where we need you and you’re qualified, Stacey!! While ambition and self-preparation is great, they are not experience, and we need experience.

I don’t hate the idea but I think there is a huge difference in preparing to govern and actually governing. Everything looks different from the inside.

Smart, well educated, well spoken, energetic, confident - what’s not to like?

One of the few bright spots in The Great Quarantine Of ‘20 is my neighborhood pizza place is open and doing well. Marty the delivery guy says they’re as busy as ever and then some. It’s a family-owned business that’s been around for decades and the father is still tossing dough as he approaches 80 yo. Good people and