
When you fire people in tech they take things with them. Little encrypted usb thumb drives that contain the destruct codes for your business.

Great store, great street. That NYC is totally gone. Sigh.

“There’s gotta be something wrong about anything that you do, otherwise it’s just plain old cliché.”

In another 30 years, you can write a similar article about iOTA, the Australian singer who plays the Doof Warrior in Mad Max: Fury Road. The Mad Max circle of connectivity will be complete.

Chris, my have a platform that few of us do. If you feel like you’re not making a difference, you can change that. Use your voice, man. You can help make this world a better place.

And now we know why Trump’s Daily Self Fellatio Conference was a bit more whiny and ranty than usual.

My maternal grandparents, both of whom are in their 90s and live in Wisconsin, voted in person in this election. They, and everyone else who risked their lives to change the balance of the state supreme court, are heroes.

That was my thought. When people are willing to risk their lives to vote you out, you’re fucked.

See, that’s the problem with suppressing the vote to sneak your chosen guy into office; it pisses off all the folks who are then determined to shut your bullshit down. “Yo. You just played yo’self!” doesn’t even begin to cover the whirlwind these assholes are about to reap.

This is so huge. Voter suppression has become an incredibly powerful go-to tactic for the GOP, and it’s amazing to see it fail like this. This is also great news for the November election, since it doesn’t bode well for Trump. Congrats to the citizens of Wisconsin for getting out and voting, even though it was

Yeah, having read the article in question beforehand, I was baffled by how Jezebel chose to represent it here. As you mention, the point of it wasn’t that Trump has an edge over Biden, but that Biden doesn’t have as big of an edge in the battleground states as he does in national polling and that a lot of them will be

One thing that bugs me about Biden is that he lies just as much as Trump, especially when confronted with his record. He just does it in a nicer way, it’s a “Get Out” type of insidious.

Couple of things.

Bingo. A 2nd term Trump? If you thought things couldn’t get worse than the last 4 years, we can certainly find out that way.

I’m very encouraged by stories of exes with kids who manage to get along - move ahead with their own lives - while still understanding that their connection with their ex, if they have children, won’t ever go away. I think very highly of those who can deal with that and do what’s best for the “family” unit even if

Like, what even is the pretence for having Jared and Ivanka on that panel? Obviously everyone knows they’re cronies, but what are they pretending is their field of expertise that allows them to advise on such matters?
I will admit to knowing next to nothing about the rest of the fossils on that screen, they’re all

Who votes for Obama but then supports Trump? Who the fuck does that?

Ya, I have always just assumed the memes of people enjoying a trip to Target were created and distributed by Target’s marketing department.

I haven’t gone out for two weeks but needed some food items and tampons. Our grocery store had a line (distanced 6 feet apart and controlled by the police) and it freaked me out so I went to Target. No line and almost deserted, I got my required items and also art supplies, Cards Against Humanity booster pack, blue