
First of can be as pissed off as you want and you don’t have to apologize for it. If people and actions are making you frustrated or mad...just roll with it. Holding it in won’t help, feeling bad won’t help. Let it out!

[Consults color chart from Family Guy]

I am with my wife and two grown stepchildren. Stepson hit a financial crisis earlier this year when he opened his home to Stepdaughter #2. He live with us until he can’t save up enough to move out again. He works for the state, at home. Stepdaughter #2 and her 4 and her 9mos is with us because her husband is going

*sigh* so I know lots of people take the meaning of the mysterious guest in “The Masque of the Red Death” to be a manifestation of hubris, greed, gluttony, and selfishness, but...there’s a very real lesson to be learned that when you try to ride out a pandemic like this, or by flying to some poor sunny country with

When working from home it’s very important to have a schedule, and stick to it. When working from home during a pandemic, it’s also important to sometimes have the world’s largest cosmo at 2pm and then take a nap for the rest of the afternoon.

Pisces are the oldest child of the zodiac. Aries the youngest

I completely lost my composure yesterday. When Trump got on TV and claimed victory for only 100-200K dead Americans like he’s some hero figure in all of this, I lost my god damn mind.  Fucker’s up there doing a victory lap after the biggest intelligence failure in US history.

THIS. We are living through a global fucking pandemic. People are allowed to acknowledge that this isn’t normal, that our government screwed the pooch on the response, and people can be anxious and angry. I, too, felt the urge to roll my eyes Liz Lemon style at the “open concept three bedroom ranch” thing (I live in a

Amen. I get why people who are worrying about how to pay rent are annoyed at this lady’s problems, but telling her she has no “right” to feel annoyed somehow magically doesn’t make her not annoyed. People are allowed to be angry cause they can’t pay their rent. This lady is allowed to be angry because she’s trying to

You feel what you feel. Period.
This is the same thing cancer patients feel when healthy people tell us “You gotta stay positive!” I always say, ;”YOU stay positive, motherfucker, I have cancer.”
People telling other people how they should feel about shit, has got to go.

I relate HARD to this. I’m the primary earner with a job that’s gotten insanely busy in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. I normally work from home anyway, and now have to contend with 3 kids at home plus my husband working across the room (our bedroom) from me b/c it’s the only space we can both work with any kind of

Well.....this article hit me at the WRONG TIME.

Oh, for sure. I tried to word my response in a way that didn’t sound like I was trying to minimize your isolation. It is HARD, I’m sure. You’re entitled to a pity party! I’m sorry that you’re doing it alone.

But now I work from home and my kids have no after-school activities and they have no outlet but me and my husband and oh my god.  Look, you’re not gonna get this advice often in life, but right now, probably more than ever, is an OK time to let your kids partake in video games.  I get it, you don’t want to expose

As someone considering their life path in the next few years, I thought I wanted a kid.

This whole thing makes me glad I got my dog because otherwise I'd be going stir crazy. At least my dog will come in and sit on my feet and gets me walking. 

Meh. Anger could be a perfectly normal response to your entire world being upended. When your income, health and way of life is threatened I think it’s ok to be mad now and then.

Absolutely. I tried to edit my post to say I 100% recognize my pity party is from a place of pretty big privilege.... but damn if this doesn’t suck and it’s extremely stressful to be terrified of the aftermath of this 100% of the time.

I’m with my partner in a small, apartment. Some days I fantasize about being alone & I’m desperate for some solitude. This is “the grass is always greener” Covid style.
 I think it’s safe to say that it’s HARD no matter what anyone’s particular situation is. We are reinventing just about every facet of “normal”, all

I try to have empathy for people home with families and kids... but as someone working from home, alone all day in a small condo, never seeing anyone and working in the energy sector so having absolutely no leeway for a breakdown/loss of productivity (“they” say there is, but anyone who’s lived through a oil price or