
That is the thing I don’t think people understand. If someone has the flu and goes to a party with 50 people, 5 to 10 people may end up with the flu from it.

Wow, dark. And yet...these are the questions that the healthcare system is grappling with, or will soon. Way down on the CDC’s list of how to deal with a PPE shortage is having doctors who are recovered and immune be the ones to deal with patients maskless. Rationing ventilators is now a reality in some places and

No chance this ends soon. The US is probably one of the hardest countries to flatten a curve due to our distrust of authority and inability to act in favor of any other interests other than our own. People fight tooth and nail to maintain the ways of life they see fit, regardless of how that way of life could

I doubt it’ll be like this once the main threat is over. “Social distancing” is to protect the healthcare system from being overwhelmed. When enough people have herd immunity to the virus, it won’t be able to run out of control anymore. A better president, restocked medical supplies, and an actual pandemic response

Mardi Gras went on as planned because no one knew the extent of COVID.

It just goes to show you that the rich don’t make money, the workers make money *for them* and without workers, the rich are getting very nervous indeed.

I mainly think this is going to continue in phases. For a lot of America, it isn’t even real yet. And that should be a good thing, but the trend has been that places aren’t issuing stay at home directives until it arrives. Only 30 states have issued these types of directives.

Naw. You know what’s not a “crapshoot”? Staying in place and dealing with cabin fever.

Oh, look, more “rules don’t apply to me” assholes! Behavior like this will totally not prolong the duration of this global catastrophe!

This is the only way I will see these frauds from now on. As Matt Foley living their best #vanlife down by the river eating government cheese.

I didn’t make it past ten minutes into this thing. I just did not want to spend seven hours with these assholes.

Like... why GM and Ford? Why not like... Honeywell or Carrier or American Standard or something? Auto manufacturers seem like they’d be out of their wheelhouse.

Without a steady schedule, my sleep habits have careened off a cliff. Instead of a steady 10:30-6 sleep schedule, I’m now going to bed at like midnight or even one in the morning. Then I wake up up just early enough to login for work, finish work and then log off and take a two-three hour nap.  Not a sustainable

Embrace the weirdness, guys. I’m on a virtual meeting and I don’t really have to participate, so I turned off my camera and I’m drinking beer. 

Videos on our conference calls were banned to save bandwidth. Best thing ever!

You’re doing God’s work, thank you!

I feel like I’m watching one of those apocalyptic descent-into-doom movies that I always turn off because I just can’t watch, like 28 Days Later or Children of Men or something, but I can’t turn it off.

For all your reaction GIF needs:

as funny as it is, this reporter DID do exactly the right thing and bless him for it. Don't mess with wildlife.