There are actually good and reasonable landlords, often times private owners with only a few properties are this type of landlord. Unlike corporations that don’t take anything into consideration. If they’re bad landlords and you have proof then sure call them out for it. Having invested in property with rental units al…
Wage earners are supposed to have 9 months of pay in reserve for emergencies, but corporations are so mismanaged that they are about to go bankrupt after two weeks of reduced profits.
Love that political party that makes a huge show of being “pro life” while encouraging the undesirables to die.
Mic, my friend. Mic. No one said anything about milk.
We knew this was going to happen. When he said this, we knew people were going to die and there was nothing we could do to stop it. Dr. Fauci literally stepped up to the mic after Trump said that and warned us. He knew people were going to die from this idiocy the president is spewing every day.
It would explain why everyone’s turn at the microphone begins with genuflecting to Fat Donny Two Scoops.
It is apparently news to Trump that there are Americans out there with covid-19 symptoms who are unable to be tested for covid-19.
Fauci was clearly trying not to laugh. Probably to keep from crying, but that’s a man trying to hold his composure so he doesn’t laugh in the boss’s face.
There is only one Cirque employee who deserves to be fired: the guy who does rigging and scuba at The O. He’s the type of guy who leads on his girlfriend for SIX YEARS before dumping her with no warning, and who waited for that lovely, smart, educated, talented woman’s parents to take them to Prague and Vienna the…
“it would be impossible to for them to cash-in on any accrued paid time off or unused sick days, since doing so would indicate that the employee had quit...”
Hot damn...I feel this image in my ovaries and I’m a man. *fans self like a southern belle*
Meanwhile, it has been reported that despite meeting with Fabio Wajngarten, the recently diagnosed top aide to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, President Donald Trump has tested negative.
I think theyre all fucking infected but want to give off the air of invincibility like jackasses
A federal judge in San Diego has barred immigration enforcement agents from separating migrant children from their…
She very nicely bridges that perceived weakness in Sanders’s politics, who was strong on progressive economic ideas but often failed to connect with minority voters because of a concern about playing so-called identity politics that comes when you directly appeal to the concerns of the people who make up a strong…
I love suspicious because this brown girl's mom taught her that white men are suspicious. They will screw you over and get away with it. Every damn time I read suspicious in a description I envision a dude bro Chad.
Maxine Waters was not saying “beat up people from the administration,” she was saying when you see people from the administration, don’t wait to fully organize an action — make your voice heard in that moment. Don’t make life convenient and peaceful for them, give them the same respect they give to immigrants, asylum…
Perhaps a good litmus test?