
Terry crushes toxic masculinity!

I love this man.  He’s a REAL MAN.

I literally had to fight with my brother to defend the fact that the news I read on The Economist are real journalism while Breitbart is not. My brother, an MBA from the University of Fucking Chicago who lived all over the world, called me arrogant for presuming to know what is a serious publication and what is not.

I only read the first one and I thought the writing was kind of bad. It always talked about her yoga pants and how she was drinking tea. 

Move over old porn named Finn.

I tried so hard, but she kept putting on yoga pants and putting her hair up in a low ponytail and I just could not.

I saw that and was amazed that Ashley didn’t mention the gilead ambassador’s wife was there. 

I have INJURED myself taking off my sports bra by punching myself in the mouth as I struggled with a form-fitting garment designed to basically never come off once it gets sweaty. Name one thing men routinely wear that can cause injuries. And I didn’t even get into blisters from high heels, that thing when a pencil

Pantyhose. Pointy-toead high heels. Fucking ‘shapewear.’ Thongs. BRAS. All those items of clothing you need to tear off your body after a day at work because if you wear them for one more fucking second you will tear your own head off.

Anyone in AZ cool with a Jewish, Muslim, or vegetarian cashier refusing to ring up their bacon ? No ? Then STFU and fill the goddamned script.

I’m still boycotting Barilla pasta after their CEO defended his homophobia in 2014. I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks last summer, so I know the depth of her grief and her family’s grief. I’m done with Walgreen’s forever, and I will explain this in a letter to their corporate office.

I suffered two blighted ovums for which I took misoprostol in order to control the timing of the miscarriage. It was an awful experience both physically and emotionally. Despite having now successfully had a second child, it still pains me to think about those losses. I wouldn’t wish the experience on anyone.

This story is hard for me. I’ve had such a love/hate relationship with Walgreens. I have ONE pharmacy team at ONE Walgreens in Chicago who has treated me with compassion and respect for the past ten years as I continue treatment for my opiate addiction, but if for some reason I’m ever forced to use a different

It was nice of Serena Joy to make a special guest appearance:

Miso is a common prescription for women getting IUDs inserted too. Is that against the pharmacist’s beliefs? Fuck him.

Hippocratic Oaf.

ack. basic cable or netflix. or both, at the same time.

I have to give it to Matthew Goode. He is utterly shameless when it comes to the material he picks. I remember when he did that godawful romcom with Amy Adams (neither of them could save it), did a farce of an Irish accent, and when interviewed said, “I took it so that I could come home at weekends... do I feel I let

Not sure what’s bothering me more about this administration... how angry it makes me, or how happy that anger makes the Right. When Rachel Maddow cried last week my first thought was, “Welp, the Faux News comment section is gonna sop that up with bread”, and, sure as shit do stink, republicans treated Maddow’s tears

Fuck these people. This is what they deserve. No restaurant is required to serve them and they are not a protected class. They may think it’s funny to go to Mexican restaurants and have these people serve them while calling them animals, but they can laugh all they want OUTSIDE, ON THE SIDEWALK. Not to mention, every