
‘Member the DJT episode of MTV cribs back in the day, back when he was engaged to Melania? Pepperridge Farm Remembers....

So do you think you’ll stop defending her now?

God, the absolute disdain these fuckers have for anyone they see less than them is disgusting. That’s why there’s no point of appealing to their sense of empathy, they have none. They are completely morally bankrupt. 

And as someone on Twitter mentioned: it’s a $39 jacket. What are the odds that Melania owns a $39 jacket?

This jacket does not Be Best.

I saw this image and legit thought it was a photoshop because surely nobody could be this....I don’t even know. Tone deaf is far too charitable. That nobody could be this deliberately dismissive of fellow immigrants’ humanity.

Sorry I'm back because I can't wrap my head around this. Why, as FLOTUS, do you even own this garment? When is it ever going to be an appropriate moment to wear it?? 

Melania is a garbage person. She is a “model” and knows something about clothing choices. This was a purposeful decision made by a racist birther that will make her racist birther husband happy/less enraged. This administration is so “fuck you” to everyone, and loves picking on people who can’t fight back. I CAN’T

Can you.

So, to all those people who’ve said “Oh, poor woman, she had no idea what she was getting into, show some sympathy . . . .”

How many times in one thread can you not take a joke? 

I wouldn’t call an off-handed joke a “rabid anti-tesla rant”, but I guess if you’re hyper-sensitive you could perceive it as such.

One time a boy tried to grab my watch off my wrist outside the classroom at the end of lunch, I turned around and kneed him in the family jewels, he cried and I spent the next day on internal suspension, but that boy kept his distance for the rest of high school.

My sister and I were raised wealthy and we left our bubbles at different times—me in about 9th grade; her post-college. Neither of us live off of our parents now and we support ourselves as best we can. We are aware of our privilege, in part due to our parents always requiring us to have jobs, etc. Sure, we were lucky

Jesus, she looks like someone who might, say, be the World’s Biggest Fan of an author, hobble him and force him to write a book about her favourite character.

Off the top of my head, Ronan Farrow turned out pretty great, as did Anderson Cooper. I’d count Chelsea Clinton and the Obama girls as well. The privilege and access came early even if the wealth didn’t arrive until their teens and young adulthood. I’m sure there are plenty of others. We can’t lump every trust fund

You have to find ways to shake them out of their bubble, constantly. And make them voracious readers, which Cardi B. apparently is (semi-secretly).

Remember folks, doxxing is bad unless it’s done against people you disagree with nazis.

im going to use “be best” to close all of my correspondence from now on

Psychopaths are really having a moment right now.