
I really hope iOS gets a dark mode. I really hate all these plain white backgrounds on stuff. Especially at night time, it’s so blinding.

Black feels so fresh and modern. all I can say. Just take away write rights on the desktop. Problem solved haha.

Or you could just... not store files on your desktop.


I keep waiting to hear this news about Zimmerman.

I can’t even comprehend how this is happening. How can anyone in Congress/GOP just watch this and do nothing??? Can Trump and Session be called before the International Court of Justice in The Hague for crimes against humanity? I feel like nothing is happening, is everyone so numbed by all Trump’s crazy actions? Maybe

Mental illnessses are already dismissed and mocked. Then add in racism and you get more untreated people. How many others did this nurse dismiss, they should review any deaths she may have caused as well.

He was!!! Only this time without a scholarship.

Wow, I feel really bad for him and I really want to hear that he was given another chance at entering the program.

This issue could clearly only be worked out in court. Abramovitz sued Lee for $300,000 and won. The judge tacked on an extra $50,000 for “her despicable interference in Mr. Abramovitz’s career.”

“He speaks and his people stand up in attention,” he gleefully told Fox News on the the White House lawn Friday morning.I want my people to do the same.”


There is a reason he only talks to F&F, they are the only ones with anchors as stupid as he is. Please have him talk to JoyAnn Reid, Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O’Donnell and Bill Maher. I really want to see what happens when he speaks with someone that has the vocabulary and sentence structure higher

But Mr President, the Republican Party,your party, has a majority in government right now. Why not just push it through without help of the Democrats?

I don’t like this “my people” nonsense. I am not his person. Doesn’t he understand the whole point of this freedom concept we have going on? Oh, wait, this is the guy putting children in concentration camps...right.

How do we know when it’s time to rise up? We are definitely in boiling frog territory here. We have concentration camps, the rule of law is right on the cusp of being completely thrown out the door, MAGA chuds are heavily armed and eager to own the libs (i.e., line us up against walls and shoot us). Can anyone really

Why isn’t the press calling him out on this shit!? What the fuck is with this toothless media corps that listens to him say “oh, yeah, the dems wrote the law that strips children from their family” and nods along while taking notes?

I’m glad that some of the Briefing team have finally began to call out Sanders on her

Has any other American president so blatantly said that “Hey, I want to be a dictator”?

That statement reads as a top-notch SNL line and I will never get over that it was read seriously in an official capacity.

I don’t know but it blows my mind that it’s gone on this long.

Tina Belcher wins!