
I can’t wrap my head around why anyone would do this if they’re not stupid Jesus freaks?

I’m livid. Buddy just called my Prime minister meek and mild. Other buddy says there is a special place in hell for Trudeau. Trump said while in Singapore the Canadian people will have to pay. Then he goes and sucks Kim’s Dick. WTF is going on?

Good call, trying for a girl might be a likely explanation too. I really can’t imagine how you would effectively parent 14 kids, unless you pull a Duggar and make the older kids work in drudgery raising the younger ones until they get married and leave.

I know the answer is likely religion, but I can’t quite wrap my head around why people would want to have 14 children. My family had four and it was a mess of scheduling, meal planning, laundry, etc. This would be my nightmare.

And this is precisely why Donald Trump should never have been elected President. He is a complete buffoon who is easily manipulated. He was never a good dealmaker in business, and clearly he’s out of his league on foreign policy. Listening to him praise North Korea after all of their human rights violations was

We need to emphasize a bit more the fact that the guy that was just befriended by the US President is a homicidal maniac who starves an entire country on a daily basis.

When’s the last time you had Dominos? They’re easily the best chain, and have improved tons over the last decade or so.

Honestly for a corporate chain, it’s not bad given the price.

But can Pete carrying around?

If it’s true, congrats! May it bring more joy into the world.

Language matters. If you don’t want to be stereotyped, if you resent it when it’s done to you, don’t do it yourself. Using the acts of some people of any race as a justification for labeling an entire race is not only intellectually dishonest, but lazy and intentionally offensive.

Don’t paint us all with the same brush. Plenty of white people find this despicable and are disgusted by the turn this country has taken. Minimum wage needs to go way up, you can make quite a bit above minimum and still not be able to afford housing even in the midwest.  

I know it’s assault, but sometimes you have to take a stand. someone should have kicked his fucking teeth in. When I was younger me and my moms were homeless for a few months, the mental toll it takes on you is staggering and the fact you have nothing to look forward to. White people in this fucking country are

Depression is a lying bitch and our brains tell us lies! Please know you are valid and worthy and not alone in your struggle. Be kind to you.

Me too. And yet we have gaping assholes like Trump who’s never done a good fucking thing for or to anyone running around care-free. It would never even occur to that malignant narcissist to kill himself.

You are not a lost cause. You have worth. The world is a better place with you in it.

I know that many aren’t really fans here, but I loved Anthony Bourdain. I read his book many years ago and related to him so deeply. A person that also struggled with drugs and depression. This makes me really sad.

This is hitting me hard this morning and I’m still trying to come to grips. I’m currently doing the work to try to get a handle on my depression and it’s so fucking hard. And it’s expensive and time consuming and draining! But I’m hoping there is light on the other side. But when I hear about Anthony and Kate Spade,

Italy is Europe’s Alabama.