
DUDE - I am about to purchase all of my disaster prep items on Amazon, keep telling myself it’s for hurricane preparedness . . .

You are 100% correct and sorry I can’t help, I am about to start cowering under my desk.

I loved this article. (I’m a pencil geek and a sometimes art student)

O-o (former New Orleanian)

Can the next one in write an executive order rescinding ALL of cheeto’s EO/proclamations? You know, to keep us in modern times and not in 1950?

I did the payroll. :(

“Slow news day!?! Our freeway caught on fire and collapsed last night, everyone’s already hellish commute is going to be a LOT worse for months.”

Awww, sweet!

My kitties love me, my husband AND each other! They hug each other all the time, so precious.

Haha, true dat, especially because it was free!! (Thanks Obama, really!!) :)

Good luck! I was a bundle of nerves before I got mine (first time) but it really wasn’t that horrible and after a week or so I didn’t even think about it being there. Totally worth it. I’m hoping we don’t have to worry about this again.

I’m waiting for it to go away, I’m 3 in so far so maybe soon? I love not having to take a pill every day, it’s wonderful.

We can only hope!


As someone who just turned 44, I agree that this is absolutely true!

She Geraldo Rivera’d us!! (how many other olds in da house remember the Al Capone hype??)


Are the federal tax credits still going to apply by the end of summer? I’m not so sure that could be counted on right now.

I have endometriosis and my longest period was 32 days about 2 years ago. Was anemic and had to take iron pills, felt weak all the time. I am getting an IUD for the first time today (in 2 hours!!) and not looking forward to the possibly horrible first period.

I’ll be surprised if he makes it 6 months, honestly.