
The only thing that stops a bad sea lion is a good sea lion with a gun.

Take your star and get in the corner

I can understand not wanting to be confrontational but sometimes:

Madame Hydra has us all. Get Coulson.

I love this show, even as it gets a little too real for me sometimes. I’ve had that late night complicated conversation on the street corner from season one.

It was all their fault. Every season the judges ride someone they “expect more of” - usually someone with a dance/dance adjacent background. Oddly enough it’s a minority OR it’s the partner of a pro they have an axe to grind. This season it was Biles who had the unfortunate luck of coming on the show AFTER Laurie

I blame the judges for this. They were so hard on her all season because she wasn’t “authentic” enough. Basically, they wanted perky, cutesy Gymnast (I.E.Laurie Hernandez) and Biles clearly isn’t that. She’s a balance beam assassin who un-apologetically goes for perfection. This girl was giving them gold and they

The LMD storyline could have gone wrong SO MANY WAYS but they pulled it off like magic. I also have to give particular kudos to the actors for May, Fitz, Simmons and Olivia/AIDA. All of them had some fantastic moments this season.

Want your teachers to be good? Support them. Work with them, give them backup and pay them a living wage.

She looks good - but at the same time she looks like she won a fight with a Kardashian’s closet.

Now playing

I’ll see your single line of firefighters and raise you . . .

Ok, so until fairly recently, I assumed a fair tip was around 12%-15%. When did the standard become 20%? I’m actually curious because I like to leave good tips and I’ll go over. I would rather not go out to eat if I can’t swing it because I had a roommate who waited tables all thru college. I’ve always found it

This guy is literally demanding that he be respected... for disrespecting others.

I should know better, but I have to watch this. I’ve been in the pocket for Sofia Boutella every since she showed up in Kingsmen. She seems to be a chameleon in a similar vein as Tilda Swanson and finds some way to be utterly charming every time she’s on screen. Yeah, Marvel, snap this girl up before DC puts her in

So much this.

My teachers in middle school used to show tapes of the show in class. I would have KILLED to be on this show as a contestant because this was convinced all the contestants were morons and I would drag them across that stage if I got the chance. And if I got to the finals and got that 50 states Map. . . it was a

They literally found hotter version of Tomi to do her job. AAAAAHHHHAHAHAHAHAH.

In two years I have been two two weddings and I did not buy gifts. Why?

If I didn’t know any better, I’d suspect that some evil Portuguese radical wielding ancient dark magic had carved the bust and imbued its terrifying visage with Medusa-like powers, knowing that Portugal’s president and its most famous celebrity would be on hand for the unveiling.