
*jumps into fighter jet, battles aliens*

OK, that's it. We're doing another Star Wars week.

We should all be watching that all the time.

That's how the Kree spell it.

You assumed correctly. We got the hot scoop on that one!

That's ABSOLUTELY what will happen.

No, you've gotta keep scrolling. You'll know it when you get there.

This seems like the right thing to do. Maybe also click on some ads?

He and Captain Cold are on the team! They decide to be good!

The beeper guy? I'd vote for him.

Your hate just makes me stronger!

She almost died making the first one, maybe she didn't want to tempt fate?

That also fits my retro cool aesthetic.


I wanna say it was a retcon that they're the same guy, but I don't know for sure. King did come up with a lot of this stuff as he was going along.

Stephen King is probably too old to play Stephen King! WHAT IS GOING ON?!

Really? I can't recall ever seeing anyone say that on here. Next you're gonna tell me Spike Lee often tweets the wrong person's home address.


That was just a rumor! But yeah, good point. I added a bit about it.

A baby's gotta do what a baby's gotta do.