
I distinctly remember an NYPD officer getting strangled in the first movie by Jason Voorhees. I don't know what you're talking about.

You're correct in the sense that Jesus Christ is the best song on Devil And God, but their magnum opus is Okay I Believe You But My Tommy Gun Don't.

I *LOVE* that movie, and it just took me several minutes to remember that kid's name.

Only if somebody can get THE CRRRRRRREST ON SPIDER-MAN'S HELMET!!!!!

Yeah, I don't know what sort of thing he was referring to, but it sure sounds awful.

I mean, they never had any money throughout the show, so I'd say they're good at hunting bounties but bad at being bounty hunters. And a lot of the time they scraped by on blind luck.

I have it on good authority that AVC readers LOVE season 11 of The Simpsons!

Like in that Simpsons episode with the rocket for all of the bad people!

STRAINED REFERENCES? Why, that's as outlandish as when Agent Smith thought he could beat Neo with only one Agent Smith in the final battle of The Matrix Revolutions.

Comix Zone was going to be my second choice!

I should clarify: I am absolutely not joking.

It says my name next to every article I write, so you could just look at that.

The third one is really kinda sorta good, guys! Kinda sorta!

I'm actually hoping Snakes On A Plane becomes a Cloverfield-style brand based around movies with amazing titles, and this turns out to be SOAP 2.

*raises drink and nods in your direction.*

Sometimes Deadpool makes you google "Hey nong man," sometimes Colossus makes you google what's going on in Indonesia.

Nice. I've heard very good things about the entire Mercedes-Benz family of products. The ACLU will be fine no matter what.

That's going in the slideshow.

Grimlock not leader, Grimlock king!

*sets reminder to steal headline joke and not give TJ Truffleberry credit*