

Go to hell, you old bastard.

Yeah, I don't know *how* he'll be credited (as I said), so I didn't want to imply he'll be credited as the creator/co-creator.

I wasn't, but that does sound like something I would do.

Because nobody is saying that I should be the next James Bond!!!

Is anyone playing MGSV on Xbone? I think the online stuff is still busted (shocking that Konami would allow that to happen!) but I really wanna try out the FOB stuff. Also, I need some Gameological johnny boys on my Xbox friends: I'm SouthSideSam there as well. I want to show off the great emblem I made for the

Whoops, guess I was too buy working out at a normal person's gym to get these dumb Space Trek references or whatever. *Flexes* *spells things wrong*

*Enthusiastically waves hand*

I sense no sarcasm here, so I will simply say "you're welcome."

Other than Winner Takes All from up above, the correct answer is the Campfire Song Song. (F.U.N. Song is a close second.)

Interesting. I'll make a little update.

I guess what I mean is that he's not really a villain. Kinda like Galactus. They're both beyond what the normal heroes can handle.

It couldn't possibly be as bad as the people who have "always been" Blackhawks fans.

Please don't terrify me with such horrible nightmares.

You have solved the first potato puzzle.

I'm gonna be super rich! I'll call it "The Potato Puzzles Of Haunted Mountain."

What?! No wonder society is falling apart. All of these 12-year-olds are being exposed to a single bad word!

Only if Red Herring is involved! (And you know he always is.)

Thanks! Drunk or not, I appreciate the comment. Weird stories like this are always fun to write, so it's nice to know when they go over well.

I agree. What a jackass.