
All of this is devastating, the rapes as well as the abysmal aftermath, and the more you read about it, the more nuggets of horrible you get. For example:

That's probably just luck, but it does highlight that this behaviour - raping a girl just because you have an opportunity - is far from natural or inevitable. All the men I've been drunk in the company of have managed to restrain themselves, and some of them did want to have sex with me (I know because we had sex at

the statistic is something like 2 in 3 women who are sexually assaulted are attacked by a friend, a partner or an ex-partner, and of the people i know who have been through this the statistic holds true. Its one of the main reasons sexual assault is so underreported, because many women cannot comprehend that someone

Guys. I'm just so upset about this whole thing. I'm a recent law school grad with family who lives in this area—they probably know the victim, her whole family, and everyone's life story. (Small town Missourah and all that.). Anyway, I just want to HELP! So much. What do we do? Maybe bring a civil suit pro bono? I

I am only just catching up on news and after reading this story I just feel sick as it's so disturbingly similar to something that happened to a best friend of mine growing up. Our group were between the ages of 11 (yes) and 12. Without getting too super detailed she snuck out with some older boys (between the ages of

I think you represent the majority. The kids who get drunk, flail around, get sick, and depend on one another to help their friends home and hold their heads if they have to. The poor girls in this story weren't so lucky in their acquaintances.

I think you were just lucky. Many victims of rape are assaulted by males they know, including male friends.

Oh. My. God. Reading this, the already-horrible-story behind this disgusting miscarriage of justice is now a hundred million times worse than I had inferred or imagined. These poor, poor girls, fucking hell.

My suspicion is that things have always been this way, but now it is becoming more widely accepted that it is wrong. It never occurred to me as a teenager that my reaction to boys taking advantage of my inebriation should have been anger instead of embarrassment.

At least Daisy's friend probably will testify FOR her, unlike the Steubenville Victim's asshole friends. Why did the friends of the Steubenville girl testify against her?

I was raped at a party when I was 18 (24 now) & I still haven't told anyone I know. Even my closest friends or my sister who I'm close with. I wish it would be easier to tell in person the way I can discuss it online via support groups & what not. A few months after it happened I decided to drop out to fly home to

I just finished reading the Kansas City Star article and I am fuming. Fucking fuming.

Honestly, if this happened to me at 13/14, I don't think I would have been able to tell anyone, let alone share my story in the media where millions of people would be listening. I applaud these girls so much, and I can only hope Burnett goes to jail for what he did. Judging by what Paige said, those boys had every

I am almost 50 years old, and I think, there but for the grace of God. Girls 13 and 14 years old are figuring out their sexuality, they want to be pretty, and they take stupid chances for attention — I know I did. I didn't even recognize then that trying really hard to get an older boy or young man to notice me was

The expression on the mum's face has me in tears. So much pain and anger. I would be murderous if it were one of my daughters - and so, so proud of her for speaking out and realising that she has nothing to hide - nothing to be ashamed of.

Good lord. It's amazing that we have a system that allows Uday Hussein-type behaviour out of the relatives of politicians. Why is it so hard for rich, powerful people to raise non-douchebags

The sad thing is that I would be unaware of this story altogether if Gawker and Jezebel weren't featuring daily updates. Why on earth would this be broadcast on Al Jazeera and not on CBS, NBC and ABC? This story should be causing as much outrage as the Steubenville rape and thank God someone in power (the Missouri

None of this would have happened if those boys didn't rape them. The end.

Wow, she is just as terrible as all the white shlubs that usually do the 5 minute stand-up set on Conan! Yay equality!

Well, I really wanted to think she was funny.