
You shouldn't have responded to me unless it was to have a conversation.

You are a crazy person.

You've called me ignorant, an egregious dumbfuck, a complete dumbfuck, a fucked up ignoramus, worthless, an emotionally stunted 12 y.o., dense, lonely, stupid, and people avoid me. None of which is true. I'm happy, successful, quite bright, and have lots of friends, aquaintances and affiliates. Just because we

In case it wasn't obvious by every context clue, yes the hair is the issue. I don't agree with it, and there are probably thousands of other photos with women and mens public hair poking out. Hers just happened to get her photo/profile flagged, probably by someone who is jealous of her recent public success.

Honestly, I think Kenan is full of self-hate and really doesn't want to see a black woman on the cast with him because the majority of his screen time is gone.

Really? In all of the world of English speaking women who are also black in color you don't think there could possibly be one who is 'ready'? That's just really annoying to me, because here you are painting all black women with one brush. Newsflash: We're not all the same.

Name one funny skit on SNL period. I took the day off work, so I can wait.

I don't think white people ever did it, we were all black to them. It was a way for black people to classify themselves as better, more superior, more beautiful, etc.. It's disgusting.

I really hate that today bi-racial women is often offered up as 'black women'. A commercial with a black family all members will be black, with a clearly bi-racial mother. It's ok that bi-racial women with a black parent identify as black. It's ok, good even, that they see themselves in us, but it's worth noting that

Hm, I don't know if it's necessary to bring this innocent woman into the conversation and get down on her tats.

I think it was understood that many men would lay with 'rare and exotic' women, but to marry them would be unheard of. Especially if they were aristocratic or political.

Well the thing about reality is that it's different for everyone. For instance, I am 29, and I saw my mother naked as a child and it's not something I'm 'dealing with' today. Your reality is that I am 12 because I don't think children necessarily have to thin of their mothers as nevernudes. For some reason you keep

It's Rikers Island.

From the article:

I refuse to believe that there is no way that the cop near her car didn't see or HEAR that freight train and wouldn't have moved in ample time, because he did.

In the definition you provided it says is says quotations and excerpts. I take that a quotation can be spoken text and excerpts are written text. I don't think the intent was to ridicule her. It could be confused by some that Paige was saying that Daisy was 'drugged' with some sort of substance. Obviously the context

I think editorially it has to be done regardless of the subject matter. It's not judging her.

I hate to think about what could make a mother that way to her own child.

That part made me a little queasy too. Ugh..

Also as a short sidenote: I still don't even know what your gripe is with my comment. But unfortunately you don't have the capacity to engage in an adult-like discourse about it. I wish you luck with that. In person I doubt you have the balls to call anyone a dumbfuck. But seriously, you're a psycho.