
Can we discuss Jezebel's unabashed love of strippers? The only Black women who get consistent ink spilled about them on this site are Kerry Washington and strippers.

I really don't think they can claim the US has stereotypes about Albania, considering most Americans couldn't place Albania on a map and probably half don't know it's even a place.

no stop the only thing that matters is the Jessa character in this I'M DYING. the verbal ass kicking they all receive from Blerta really highlights the reasons why i don't like the show.

Can Blerta please become a real character? It would make is so much less insufferable.

Who cares about her singing anyway? She became famous because of the choreography and dancing—not because she is Celine Dion. She can lip sing the whole bleeping show if her dancing is back to where it used to be.

"Okay," I say. "What if Michael Jackson—"

Some women really want to be sexually dominated - so do some men.

I love her voice!

Her delivery is delightful. And delovely!

Who would hired her to represent their company? Not any company worth it's salt. Plus, modeling is such a short-lived career and I doubt she'll be making the jump from model to established, openly racist, actor any time soon.

I don't get rage-faced about it, but why not just say "suburb of Chicago"? Because when someone finds out that you're from Hinsdale, Westmont, or Chicago Ridge, that's not what they think of when they hear Chicago.

Will county? idk, that's like calling Lake County part of Chicago. I'm from Westmont, what town do you hail from?

I cry bullshit on her claim. Pretty young women wanting to model are a dime a dozen, and agencies can find someone else without the baggage.

Also it's not in Chicago. Unless the suburbs count as Chicago, but I feel like New Yorkers don't call Westchester NYC so let's not call Dupage County Chicago kay?

Yeah, gurl.

"To be honest with you it wasn't that great of an agency anyway and I have six meetings with six new agencies tomorrow, so it's a better step."

They're now gonna be working at Fox News. They'll put in storage with hundreds of other white skinny blonde women with big smiles. When Fox News needs them - The Fox News Legion of Blonde White Bimbos will be called to action!

Always assume they don't.

Ladies and gentlemen, here is an example of the problem.

Hmm technically they formed in 1993 so that's 20 years ago. I think they can fall under classic rock. Although it would be pushing it.