
So according to her ageism is wrong but wearing blackface and using racial slurs is okay, of course Jezebel loves her #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen.

Tag this post under "gives it, but can't take it"

Talk about a lack of perspective. So all's fair in comedy unless it offends your personal sensibilities, Sarah? How predictably lame.

I watched this. It's so frustrating, so much of it was low-hanging fruit. Clearly, being gay, fat, a woman, and/or a POC is the most hilarious and shameful thing of all time. Feel shame, dammit!

Sarah Silverman can be funny, but she's also a shock comic. I get what she's saying but I also think it's hypocritical. Then go into a roast, you're just going to have all kinds of shit flung at you. You can also tell Sarah Silverman has never been a fat woman if being old is the worst it gets for her.

Wow, you're a revolutionary. Suggesting "eat right and walk some" on an Internet comment forum. Hurry, someone tell Obama this guy deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Could the rise in obesity be caused by a widespread lack of this important gut bacteria (due to improved hygiene)?

As much as I wanna crap on lazy people (or IN lazy people, re: this article), I myself am lazy. I eat pretty terribly (lots of cake and such) but don't exercise much, aside from walking (NYC and all). That said, I'm super thin. Also: I have a six-pack. For no reason other than genetics. By all accounts I should be a

How many people were actually surprised by it? I spent most of my childhood being called a spic, wetback, and something about banana boats which I never really understood. And I remember hearing other kids called the same and much worse. I'm not surprised by racists, I'm more surprised they don't realize they are

I think this could be a much more powerful piece if instead of making people take their shoes off before stepping inside they instead made people put on some overshoes.

My mom watched General Hospital when I was like pre-K. I can't believe it's still on!

My grandma used to tell my mom to always keep $10 in a jar: "That way, if you have to go to the poorhouse, you can take a taxi."

What a... stupid comparison.

Is it black beauty, though, if it's Asian hair stuck on their head?

I think its preferable for people to mature early, and get married at 13.

*chugs her beer* I'm sorry I can't hear you over the sound of being an employed, responsible, self-reliant, fun-having, uncommitted, renting, carefree 30 year old :P

That story took an unexpected turn.

If your kids know they can have sex at your house, they will never leave! Real talk: one of the big motivating factors for me going to an out of state college was knowing my mom wouldn't catch me getting laid.

I'm 26, my boyfriend is 31, and my mom still barely lets us sleep in the same room/bed when we visit them for a weekend. Honestly, if my parents had allowed this in high school, I probably would have felt too weird anyway. I'd take the backseat of a chevy on a rural dirt road over a bed a few rooms away from my

I have friends who do this ... I think it's totally fucked up, personally.