
Looks tame.

Sorry you are so upset & your feelings got hurt. Well, not really cuz you are kind of fun to fuck with.

...& I was generalizing based on the fact that you are from the ghetto, not mexican, so be angry at that.

Cheer up homie. It is just the internet.

I dont even do drugs but that house makes me want to attend a cocaine party there.

No wonder you like ghetto roach coach tacos better.

I REALLY need some of these people in my life.

I do most of this anyway (sans snow tires...I live in vegas) because I do a lot of off-the-grid, overland exploring & carry more recovery gear daily in my truck than I will ever need on a trip to Whole Foods.

Spoken like a true hipster.

good god. those people should calm down.

Saying Wisconsin's Best Brewery is like saying there is a Best Position for Sex. How can you choose?!?

I am now chanting to myself....

torchy's.....I ONLY eat torchy's for breakfast in Austin.

When craving a chocolate milk shake & Young's double chocolate stout is nice.

Honestly it is probably my whole cocktail of meds (imuran, lexapro, humira & prednisone) PLUS the fact drinking aint good for your body in excess AND the fact that I weigh a buck 25 dripping wet with 8% body fat.

I am thinking beer spiked with some Skywalker OG would be divine for crohn's.

Beer helps me keep weight on too. Funny how that works. It helps with stress, tastes great AND helps me keep from being skin & bones!

If you have crohn's eating a dick will most definitely cause a flare up. I advise against it.

Why didn't this retard remove his foot from the accelerator?

Still hate Delta.