
That Celica is so rad.

But where can i order them?!

But where can i order them?!

Persecute all Christians...fuck it, all religions.

“You have a big head.”

“Kitten burglar”

______ Fueled Twitter rants, they happen.

Seriously, I think I am the only one who is not bonkers for this show.

I dont know why, but I <3 Miley.

aaaaaand now it is stuck in my head. thanx jezebel. >.<

Yeah, but a wig is fashion accessory.

Looks kinda fun.

Re: RR fkna. those ladies are tough as a brick shit house. hope RR is ok. looked brutal.

That is half the fun!!!

All the REAL dirty fun is still in craigslist casual encounters.

Is this why the sales folks at my local REI are all conceited assholes?

I like this approach but would never tell my clients I bill on the ‘Emotional Scale’.

I never watch TV & I am visiting my parents who are TV junkies & I’ve seen way too much election coverage. It is driving me fucking insane. >,<

I do whatever the cops say. I dont want to get shot!

Goddamnit all. I wish this asshole would fucking go away forever.

I love Azelia even more now. <3