
My first and only was for Horizon: Zero Dawn. mostly because I just could not get enough of that game. 

This is pretty much as “St’ Louis” as it gets. The only way it could be more STL is if he was on his way to pick up some Imo’s Pizza.

You would be so very wrong :D

Sooo... Red Dawn: The Game? But with robots instead of Communists :D I could get into this as long as I can be The Swayze.

How does no one see what this is really about? Obviously this is simply a test of capabilities. Musk has already hinted at the idea of subterranean living on MARS. He’s using this as a first step in the learning curve. It’s stuff like this that will prove invaluable when(if) he ever succeeds in his Martian homestead

Snap into Gender Neutrality!

Weird how no one says, “Look, it’s not that I have any problem per-se. But the original Skyrim models designed as dragons. It just doesn’t work otherwise. This is just people shoehorning in Thomas the Tank Engine where it was absent before, which is what I’m frothingly furious about.”

Well. Regulated. Militia.

Strangely, Id argue that the best example of Sandler’s art involves him getting punched in the face by drunk love :)

I get that. It can be exasperating following this stuff sometimes. But as I actually enjoy keeping abreast of the news (I know, I’m a bit of a masochist), I’ve come to see something: Most of the bias is actually within the readers. Though I’m not trying to say that certain outlets don’t sway to a particular side of

Also. I might add: I am not a server. I’m a college graduate who has been working in my field for over ten years now. However, I’m not entirely sure what your intention is in your reply. Are you trying to say that someone who works in the service industry can’t be intelligent or use logic? That seems like the kind of

Did you mean to respond to me? I’m not sure if you did, because I’m failing to see any melodrama in my post. Nor is anything I mentioned part of a one-man “argument” that only I can hear within an echo-chamber. And though the facts surrounding GamerGate absolutely have relevance to women’s issues, I don’t see where I

And I’d also argue that you are fudging the timeline. The “Quinspiracy” is what started this whole thing. The very original complaint was an act of slut-shaming from the get go. If that wasn’t true, there would have been an equal amount of vitriol towards all parties involved. But that's not what happened is it?

I’d argue that Anonymous is also a group. When a collection of people all point at a name and say, “this is a thing we are part of”, it inherently becomes a group.

SJW isnt an actual group. Its a derogative acronym standing for social justice warrior, given to anyone that dares to claim that minorities should have equal footing in our society by those who see it as less of a “lifting the minorities” up thing, and more of a “dragging the majority down” thing.

If you’ve got a logo, you’re a group. Just because the message isn’t cohesive, that doesn’t mean that the people spouting the incohesive message under the same banner don’t constitute a collective.

I think you may be confusing attraction with sexuality. But even in that sense, you are only choosing the individual with the traits you are naturally attracted to. It may be the case that you choose the individual even in the face of not aligning with that persons traits. But the choice is in the individual, not the

Fine with me. I don’t play online multiplayer at all for this very reason. And I know I am not alone. And truthfully any decision that might push people back towards couch co-op is a good thing.

Reference to The Wastelands. Book 3 of the Dark Tower series by Stephen King.

I find it slightly ironic that many of the same people who seem annoyed by the "meta" humor of Sunset Overdrive are the same people who can't wait for the exact same thing in the Deadpool movie.