Opening shot of the family sitting around a table, eating and laughing. Darlene blurts out, “Anyone noticed how much happier we all are since Mom left?” The camera pans across all the momentarily shocked faces closes in on Dan’s face as he smiles and then slowly pulls back as everyone else shrugs and goes back to…
Yup. And clearly they want to jump up on some martyr band wagon. Just cause he’s dead doesn’t mean he’s an angel. People really trip out about honoring people when they die like it means something unto itself. It’s the life that matters and how they lived it. Dying isn’t an accomplishment. These men can fuck off for…
This bitch.
I think this is her way of plagiarizing “Let them eat cake.”
The blackest Marvel movie is making its way to America’s blackest museum.
I spent last Saturday afternoon, as I have many Saturday afternoons in the past six years, with my 17-year-old…
Violent, abusive man who rained misery on the people he claimed to love meets violent end.
Wooowee, a lot of men fittin to be cancelled over this. Jidenna really going to compare this man to Malcolm X? He believes in change that this X person never demonstrated an interest in? Just like I see white people so quick to defend their own here we have a bunch of men doing the same. And for what? For the art?…
Tbh it’s mostly women I see defending him (Chris Brown). They even go so far as to say they wanna get with him or they want to see Rihanna and him back together. I got into an argument once with a girl who I asked if she would encourage a friend to go back to a man who beat her. She completely acted like she didn’t…
The worst are the “I don’t judge others, only God can judge”. FOH. 2nd place is the “But he’s someones child, brother, grandchild ect...think of HIS family.”
Monster. Next question.
Yeah, clearly the standards (and the protocol in your other example) are the source of the fucking problem. Standards don’t mean shit when they are horrifying and leading to serious human rights abuses, but its like they think it gives some veil of respectability to their crimes.
You’re expecting too much from his fanbase. It’s literally 90% teenagers.
A lot of people find it really easy to assume the women they care about would never find themselves in abusive relationships because they are “good girls.” In their mind victims did something to deserve being treated this way. That’s how they can sleep easy at night.
No one has ever started off as a sadistic asshole, gotten rich and famous and somehow become better.
Exactly. And if XXXTiddledick was actually truly changing and trying to change. Like so many of you stans in the greys were so concerned about. That girl would not have had to get on go fund me to pay for her eye surgery. He would take that money and pay for it. And pay for her housing and therapy, education and what…
So many white people falling over themselves to justify this bullshit.
Man, they’re tripping down in Texas
I keep waiting to hear this news about Zimmerman.