
I wish people would stop saying stuff like Nancy and the Dems aren’t going to do anything or are just sending empty threats. They aren’t just going to just start throwing out subpoenas right off the bat. Whatever they do will most likely result in a court battle. When they get to it the Dems will look better to he

You are free to leave anytime you want. You may go.

I’m a little torn on this. I would prefer she say focused on winning the GA senate seat. In my opinion it would look better that she can claim she had the opportunity to run for the highest office in the land but cares for her state too much that she would prefer to run for senate or gov again.

“No one is beyond the law in New York,” Vance said

They tried it..

I already have my dvr scheduled to record CSPAN tomorrow.

Also could show that the categories just aren’t as competitive as they were before Cardi B came along.

More than likely because the campaign’s HQ was in NYC.

Clyburn has been talking about a “smart wall” at least 2 weeks now.

He’s going to try to steal from SS or something. Whatever it is I’m sure the House will block it.

Every time I see a picture of Pressley I see someone that looks like she should be POTUS or at least VP. I hope she runs one day. Before that I think we’ll see her run for Senate.

So that war on Christmas that conservatives have been bitching about for years.. This should be the kinda thing they would be up in arms about.

With each company that NC lures into the state and set up shop I hope the state becomes more and more blue. *evil laugh*

Lol right! That was my point. A 1 year old would be happy with anything as long as there’s excitement. This is like parents dressing their kids as Martin Lawrence characters, Ike Turner and other characters and celebs they’ve probably never heard of for Halloween. It’s all about the parents.

I find it hard to believe that any child in 2018 would want a cowboys and Indians(Native Americans) themed party. So I don’t why this little man and his wife would decide to use that as the theme. I don’t even think I grew up playing cowboys and Indians. And I’m an 80's baby. Ninja turtles, power rangers, mortal

I don’t think she is a bad actor. The issue I have with her is that I can’t really get into or believe in her characters without seeing ‘Beyonce’.

I feel for Epsy.. Being in MS he is the one that has to toe the racial line even tho Hyde is the one saying the racist shit. If he calls out the racism he risks losing not gaining enough white voters to win.

I feel for Epsy.. Being in MS he is the one that has to toe the racial line even tho Hyde is the one saying the racist shit. If he calls out the racism he risks losing not gaining enough white voters to win.

Van has his own show on CNN that he is trying to keep consistent ratings for. That’s the only explanation I can think of.

Representation matters!