
Pres. Obama should have worn the tan suit for Halloween this year.

This is a good example why the gop doesn’t care about trump releasing his tax returns. 

I shouldn’t have laughed at the title of the article, but it made me laugh lol.

I forgot all about the Khia/TS Madison show. I didn’t even put 2+2 together.

So... Essentially Trump, the GOP and the “russian bots” are ISIS?

If you look I think most his ‘Madea’ movies usually make around the same amount of money in the box office. So it may be safe to say that the same people usually watch each of his movies lol. I don’t think I’ve ever watched one in the theater.

I was ordained into the Southern Baptist Convention

Sometimes when I see Gillum I think to myself that he is the type of person and candidate that Corey Booker should aspire to be. I think he has everything that Corey Booker lacks including authenticity. But maybe that’s because to me Booker sometimes seems to come across as trying too hard or just playing the part so

So no one in Trump’s camp said “maybe this isn’t an appropriate song to play right after a mass murder”? They could have at least picked some country song about the USA or some shit.

On some level I think Nicki and Cardi are just trolling everyone. Also is Nicki basically a radio personality now? Or is this just something to hold her over until her tour starts? I assume she is still going to tour to promote her album...

Pittsburghers banding together for three hours every fall Sunday and summer Saturday to root for championship sports teams

Ding dong her shit show is dead! Hopefully she’ll never have another tv show again. Especially not with another “re-invented” persona.

In her defense I’m sure there was a LOT of racist shit that was “OK” during her childhood. From her pov I bet blackface is very minor compared to things she’s actually seen and done.

Now republicans are going to try to redefine “nationalist” and say it means the same as patriotism or something.

People are giving this particular poll way too much attention. 2010 was when the tea party, Trump and the rest of that klan were doing whatever they could to discredit and bash Pres Obama. 

If this was a real conversation among Black women they would mention how a WHITE man got a clear path to the SC bench after a White woman “screamed” raped and it would have turned out differently if he was Black.

Never seen nor heard the Cardinals being called “Cards”. But that “Go Cards!” caption screams “I don’t really watch or care about this game or team” or a lot of his friends aren’t Black.

*In my Denzel voice* My Man!

Interesting that he donated less than 10% of what he donated to the male rep to the female rep... But then they are in two different states I guess.

Of all the apps he could have downloaded/used to get something consensual.. But he would rather lose his job, get locked up and ruin the rest of his life. Ok then