
Is she doing numbers like her 00 releases? I know she sells out shows but that’s not surprising.

Also, Beyoncé.

She needs a hit. Otherwise, she’s just pop star with a fanbase who will buy her output in ever decreasing numbers.

Talk all that “nigger” shit rocking an entire Jordan fit. The ironing is wrinkle free

To your point: Since Oyéjidé is an attorney as well as a designer, I’m sure if he really thought he had a case here, he’d bring it somewhere other than IG.

Now, “The Carters” (Bey particularly) have been known to take some creative liberties, but this is a reeeeach of herculean proportions. Didn’t Watch the throne, MBDTF, Yonce and like a dozen other album’s of the past decade have a slew of Baroque, Pre-Raphealite, Renaissance style influences?

Shitty father, husband, businessman, President, human being, etc......the list is practically endless.

“You don’t understand Donald Trump,” Stone recalled saying before rejecting the offer at a restaurant in the Russian-expat magnet of Sunny Isles, Fla. “He doesn’t pay for anything.”

Due process is exactly what’s happening. It’s standard human resources procedure to put people on leave while credible allegations are investigated. There are enough witnesses that the company has already talked to to make it a credible allegation. Read the details instead of reacting to the headlines. “Due Process”

Buddy, “due process” doesn’t apply in the Court of Public Opinion, and if it ever did, it certainly hasn’t since... I don’t know, name your social media. Myspace?

I’m not saying we’re at the “Build a giant rocket, load all the men into it and shoot it into the sun” stage yet, but I’m going to need all my fellow dudes to seriously stop abusing women because I really do not want to be shot into the sun, and I’m getting more worried by the day.

Imagine if he had seen the white woman shaving her legs in the pool. His head would explode.

I watched a few eps of The Strain last year and the vamps there are literally The Reapers from Blade II.

Am i the only one that feel Blade is a better film on a whole than Blade II (which is admittedly more ambitious)?

Evolved how exactly. She still dresses the same. Same music videos.

She seems .. not authentic about her work. Like she’s a big label focus group determined rapper

in some way

First off: No offense taken. You’ve been respectful and constructive.

She will be just another in a long line of people who went out of their way to fuck this country and everyone in it and not only not be held accountable, but rewarded for it.

When she leaves the white house at the end of this year she better not get the Spicer treatment.