
Why have honor when you can try to look for an excuse to bop?

It has literally never occurred to me that I could go to both Popeyes AND Chipotle in the same meal. You have changed my life. (My arteries are angry, however.)

My vote is Batman. Old and fat Affleck batman could use the killmonger treatment.

He probably could have done without playing Johnny Storm, those Fantastic 4 movies are guaranteed garbage. Then again, the people who’ve played Johnny Storm seem to have done well in other Marvel movies. I’m still sad Killmonger is dead, he was such a great character.

Black GOP Senate Candidate

If I were still in VA, Tim Kaine would be my choice.

How is that NOT a textbook hate crime? This man destroyed property after specifically threatening the Black man and calling him racial slurs, with no other entanglement. Case closed.

Awwww. How sweet. Ima big sister too. So this warmed my heart. We do love our little brothers (little big brother in my case because he is way taller than me). Lol.

I’m currently looking for a job and a (white) friend of my mother’s was telling me that the first business manager where she works (she fired him because: see below) had never worked as a business manager before and had no background in finance, accounting, or management. She would get “nonsensical spreadsheets” from

Frankly, I would’ve thought the voters might try harder knowing there was a black host—not to mention Abloh’s meteoric rise. They might’ve felt it was too meteoric—or, to your point, maybe they saw the two honors being bestowed (though Enninful and Campbell were only two out of eight honorees), and decided that was

Next you’re going to tell me unqualified and barely educated White people get hired faster and are more likely to get promotions. These “studies” must just be a way for White folks to finesse government grant money, because they are always things we already know as fact.

She was confirmed as host many months ago (pre-voting and possibly pre-nomination announcements), so that’s doubtful. Plus, lack of black folks has never caused them to overcompensate before.

So many great looks! Lupita looks stunning as always (vivacious is the perfect word for her, she just radiates), my crush on Rosario Dawson continues, and Issa Rae’s green suit is lovely. It’s an unusual colour and it looks great on her.

I mean...issa look (pun intended).

“Every Nigga Is A Star”...on a sash...

If the issue was Jaden was sick of the fame train surrounding his parents, then I can understand that. He wants to go out on his own and build his own life? Cool, cool. But, I wonder if they told him he would have to support himself financially like every other Joe/Jane out here? Because that’s the only path to true

Where are the “rule of law” repub senators, speaker, congress, etc? Why are they so silent in the face of this “I am king of the world” talk from this guy?

Bruh, you’re trying to use facts and logic against a person who’s primary tactic is just shitting in his had and smearing it on the wall.

He’s preparing his base, that is all. They are too stupid to know he’s a fool and 100% wrong and so when it happens they’ll repeat what HE says, regardless of what the LAW says and then we have anarchy.... just like the 53% and 97% of white guys voted for.