Can we stop this shit? Can we stop with this “Wasn’t it great when we murdered each other over music battles” bullshit? No, no it wasn’t. Go say that shit to Biggie’s kid and see where it gets you.
Can we stop this shit? Can we stop with this “Wasn’t it great when we murdered each other over music battles” bullshit? No, no it wasn’t. Go say that shit to Biggie’s kid and see where it gets you.
Chelsea is a master of the unfailingly polite “fuck you.” She’s kind of my hero.
I’m not sure whether to laugh or scream at Roseanne’s apology for what she said about Valerie Jarrett. Saying Valerie is the child of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes was not a fucking joke about her looks. It was an intentional invocation of the racist idea that black and brown folks are more ape than…
If John Goodman joins Twitter just to post a “Bye Bitch” message, I will give him one more chance.
My guess is that they were gambling hardcore on the nostalgia of the thing, cos that’s kinda big at the moment. That that nostalgia smell would just override the smell of the white supremacist trash. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Every last cast member knew what they signing up for when they hitched their wagons to a vile, racist, pig. Now they’re forever tainted with the stench of Rosanne. They all got what they deserved.
Well they wanted a show that portrayed trump supporters, and they sure as hell got that! Lol.
ABC: We’re bringing back Roseanne!
I’m 100% on board with cancelling the show, but I just don’t understand why ABC had to go and give her a platform to begin with. Her Twitter has been filled with hate for a long time and by ABC giving Barr her sitcom back, it emboldened her to be more vitriolic. And before everyone responds to me, money cannot the…
Yeah when your boss is a black woman, the racism thing might not go over that well at the company.
Most reasonable people like to see racist scum fail.
I know. Intolerance of intolerance is the worst kind of intolerance, isn’t it.
The horrifying triumphant rise of Roseanne followed by the almost immediate fall was so brief that it was comical.
Why didn’t you say that about impeachment and speak that little miracle into existence?!
I honestly did not see that coming. I figured they would do the usual and let it blow over. After all, Trump will say some shit worse in about eight or nine minutes. Good on ABC, I guess. I mean, it’s not they didn’t know she was a shitty person.
This is exhausting.
Same reason why Donald Trump, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton got elected into office. People love the idea of a rich, powerful individual who is “just like us.” To a degree, we’re all like that. Hence why stories about celebrities regurgitating memes or seeming affable or charming on late night tv is so popular.
Jemele Hill of ESPN publicly reprimanded and suspended by ABC/Disney for speaking out on Dump on Twitter. Black-ish forced to cancel an episode that dealt with racial injustice and the First Amendment right to protest, and this RACIST WHITE WOMAN gets a reboot of her ABC show and gets renewed because she spews the…