
well looks like Roseanne needs another black person to carry her I’m not a racist water.

K, Wanda. Not you like you just figured out she was racist but better late than never I guess.

So weird that Roseanne would be feeling such economic insecurity when her show was just picked up for a second season.

Imagine being so privileged that not getting a free hamburger (or more over, hearing the word “no”) sends you into a rage that makes you think telling a Hispanic woman to “go back to Mexico” is an okay thing. Then imagine how miserable you’d have to be that person. Then be happy you’re not that person.

You know what to do, internet: Find The Chadwick.

but what do I know?

I would argue that being a contributing writer for Fox News automatically makes you a shittier parent than Chip and Joanna Gaines, but what do I know?

French President Emmanuel Macron invited the young man to the Elysee Palace on Monday and presented him a certificate and a gold medal “for performing an act of courage and dedication,” according to CNN.

Destroying a charity out of spite, that’s how you know the MAGA brain worms have completed their infestation. That shit is below the lowest of the low.

Does this not solidify for more folk that CoonYe is completely happy in the bosom of his Clan of Appropriators? I always thought he was a super talented asshole. (Genius is a bit of a stretch for a dude that doesn’t actually write music or play the instruments - but that’s just me. I’m a Prince fan.) Now he has shown


Why we acting like if Kanye dropped Kris everything wouldn’t change?

The problem is that she’s effectively tried to wash away how her ‘career’ started. She made a sex tape, pretended that it was leaked, and then leveraged the notoriety for a bad tv show. There’s no shame in making adult videos, but Kim is a damn liar and disrespectful to all the women in the adult film business.

Correction: he got caught lying countless time and still became president

Rudy Giuliani “The reality is we’re not going to sit him down if this is a trap for perjury…he wants to explain that he did nothing wrong.”

“The whole thing with this investigation that was going on, which we consider spying, was done before Mueller got involved. But it completely taints his investigation,”

Usually, there’s an easy out for avoiding’s called telling the truth.

I don’t blame him. Watching TWO people piss on their balls and call it a victory must have been soul draining.