
I wouldn’t be surprised about Denzel, just like “oh.”

Isha why didn’t you show the back of the coin too?

I am proposing they sell this alternative coin.

If anyone ever said anything about Fred Rogers, I’d demand proof. Everything he’s ever publicly said and done shows him to NOT be the kind of man who’d ever do anything like this. If it ever turned out that he really, actually did something so offensive... I’m not sure how I’d deal with that.

Lol, nice (intentional?) riff on Bruce Almighty.

What celeb would just destroy you if it came out that they were a creep? Like there are some people (like Morgan Freeman; a man who pursues his step-granddaughter definitely has creep tendencies) where it’s not a big surprise, but who would really shock and disappoint you?

This is the guy that left his wife so he could pursue a relationship with his granddaughter. Step- or otherwise.

A fucking creepazoid.

I believe his true nature was demonstrated in that half-decent Christopher Reeve flick where Freeman plays a nasty pimp.

Yeah, he’s been known for being an old horn-dog for at least a decade now.

Why God? Why?

Yeah, unfortunately this is another instance of behavior that’s been reported on earlier, but kept quiet because he’s a Darling Celebrity. Well, was, at least. #TimesUp on that.

I’m... not actually surprised by this.

How unsurprising.

This really just confirms my choice to go atheist. When you can’t even trust God, who do you have left?

If the premise is that they don’t sufficiently love or respect America, then can we throw people who fly the confederate flag out of the country too? After all, Confederacy was a seditious/treasonous nation that we fought a war with.

At no time have I ever forgot that Tammy Faye Trihard is a real person with real feeling. I just don’t have a problem with her feelings being shown the same regard that she shows the feelings, rights, dignity, and safety of black and brown people.

Sure, she’s a real person. She’s a real racist, bigoted person who deserves a hell of a lot more than just water thrown at her. If this were the 1930s, she’d be the head of the BDM (girls’ wing of the Hitler Youth). She’s human garbage. I don’t feel sorry for her, and whatever terrible shit comes her way, she will

Tomi Lahren appeared on Sean Hannity to speak out about the vicious water attack she endured while trying to partake in a Minneapolis brunch on Saturday.

Tikki Tikki Tembo

Called it. The bullshit martyr express. Still wish it was something like a bloody mary right after she got her roots overbleached, but then there’d be even more bullshit tears. Water dries, the hatred drivel spewed sticks longer.