Fair point. *returns to day drinking*
Fair point. *returns to day drinking*
Fun fact: We are big advocates of self-love here at The Glow Up. And yes, that extends to becoming an expert at…
Well at least it’s settled now because, as we all know, that trying to force people to stop protesting never results in even more and louder protests. /s
Jemele Hill was recently named the 2018 Journalist of the Year by the National Association of Black Journalists, and …
I’ll be joining you for football-free NFL days whether Sunday, Monday, Thursday or any other day. I hope no player takes the field during their anthem. Let their absence speak volumes.
It was much easier to boycott the NFL last season than I anticipated. For one, I underestimated how much I’d enjoy…
This is me with most professional sports these days.
1. Stop watching football.
Most of the white players won’t do it.
How crazy would it be to ask all black players to refuse to sign a contract for next year until they change this rule?
White people will always care more about being able to tell Black people what to do than they will about Black people getting murdered. I wish every Black player would kneel and take the fines, but there don’t seem to be many Kaepernick’s in the industry.
If all the black players stayed in the locker room before the game, the national anthem at NFL games would look like that tiki torch rally in Charlottesville.
I wish that would happen, it’s no different than a sports strike.
The obvious countermove by players is to move kneeling to touchdown celebrations and announce it before hand. What are owners going to do when black people announce that they’ll be kneeling during touchdown celebrations when the camera is zoomed in on them to protest police violence against the black community? And…
Black codes in the service of capitalism! Just like the ole black codes, it’s meant to control black behavior, dismiss black suffering & oppression (police brutality), and suppress black protest. In other words, restrict black freedom...Same as it’s ever been!
In a Dream Bizarro World, this would backfire on them and whole teams would just stay in the locker room.
Given that I have approximately 0.01% of the athletic skill needed to play in the NFL (so this will never be an issue), I would kneel before every game and let that fuck-wad fine or suspend me until he is blue in the face.
“Are y’all lookin for a gun-crazed, middle aged, white guy who acts like his suburb is a warlord-controlled region of Afghanistan and fetishizes his daughter’s sexuality? Then I’m your fuckin’ guy. Vote Kemp. We’ll take this country back to a time that never even existed, except in my imagination.”
Is it me or is Meghan McCain getting dumber?
...I’m shocked speechless. This never happens this quickly. It should.