
Do we truly boycott anything, these days? We don’t want to give up the convenience. What’s a few mistreated black folk? I gots to have my mocha latte, baby! /s 

So Paul Bearer pulled an Andy Kaufman and faked his own death so he could run for office in West Virginia, Tony-Clifton style, as a disgusting coal baron.

Pornstache was hoping to get those women into the back of his vehicle.

Love his claim through rhetorical tautology.

Hey, if that bigoted anal leak wants to blow more of his ill gotten money, make himself into even more of a politically untouchable pariah, and disrupt the machinations of the Repubs in that area, I say go for it!

“She speaks Spanish, and she speaks English,” Suda said. “When she saw the video, she was like, ‘Mom, we can’t speak Spanish anymore?’ I said ‘No. You be proud. You are smart. You speak two languages.’ This is more for her.”

It’s just amazing how quickly they get those crisis actors on scene. It’s like they knew it was going to hap......pennnnn

I’m sure the NRA and GOP will give her the customary 9 hour waiting period before they start calling her a triggered librul snowflake who hates America, and/or a plant that is part of a false flag operation run by the deep state and funded by George Soros.

Draaaggggg himmmm.

When he took of running here I was howling lol

As for Avenatti I would think he would just focus on his case before ever entertaining such a thing.

Honestly, once their CEO spoke out against marriage equality and hasn’t hid his disdain for those who are LGBTQ, it didn’t help in bringing in people that age or younger — even a tad bit older. I remember a lot of people weren’t the happiest and quit supporting their business.

For the love of god visit a Popeyes

I’m a millennial and Chick-fil-a is honestly the greatest. It’s the only fast food place besides Whataburger and Which Wich that I genuinely like instead of tolerate.

Black family,

“Donate to my campaign. 100 percent of your donation will fund more television and radio advertisements.”

I wouldn’t be surprised if he kicks puppies and strangles kittens. The amount of anger he has is off the charts. I don’t get how these white guys develop so much damn anger.

He’s a garbage racist, who is at the same time a borderline immigrant himself, who speaks the very language he was screaming at people about, while supporting Trump, who would most likely deport him on sight cause the dude looks a little TOO tan. And not the good orange kind, the bad hombre brown tan.

This dude is fucking nuts. Seriously, what’s wrong with him.

Plot twist: Somehow, he’s even worse than we imagined.