
This is Jezebel levels of Beckiness.

Notice how he placed a paper bag against the doors to keep them open, for the perfect elevator selfie.

Did the guys who got fucked over by this get un-fucked (inasmuch as that is possible) by the school? If not, W.T.F.?

This shit is peak white-womaning.

Does anyone even doubt any more the FBI was monitoring at least a half dozen people involved with this campaign as part of active, ongoing criminal investigations?


Everytime I see that elevator selfie, my eyes roll so far back into my skull that I am afraid they will disconnect from my brain.

“people acting like Donald Trump’s racism is some big secret that occasionally slipped out and not the entire goddamn reason he was elected.”

Is “Donald Trump is a racist” even a story?

That mugshot, though. I’d like to know what the fuck was running through her mind that made her make that face. Also, she’s a year younger than me but looks at least ten years older. That ain’t the face of a 34 year old, unless she’s also on the Sarah Suckabee skincare regimen.

...I’ll be damn if I go to a white person’s cookout and eat some grilled Gregory.

Are you sure she is still in jail?

This story will be perfect if she served the remains with fried green tomatoes. At that point, life imitating art imitating life will be a perfect circle.

who flies sleeveless? ummm they spray the seats with cancer causing fire retardents.

“How is $500 worth of tacos, a punishment”—The Husky Bro


God damn, I’m not saying you have to wear a suit on a plane, but can people at least wear some sleeves on a flight?


Ya know, even though no one is actually trying to take these idiots’ guns away - they sure seem to continuously demonstrate good reasons why we should take their guns away.