
Let’s see... They could have donated these Nike shoes, clothes etc to homeless veterans. I mean they do support the veterans. This is what all this white outrage is about right?

Does Nathan have ANY job yet? I know he’s a barber but Issa was suggesting a shop for him to work. So first he needs a job period.

Nathan being a barber from Houston. Between the disconnected beard and questionable shape-up

I remember reading that. “Spliced” it up and almost made the funeral look like a Trump rally.

Yea I don’t understand it. Either they never paid attention to his sermons before or he went way off script at the funeral. But they had many options other than his ass.

I would like to think that if this was my mother’s funeral then me or one of my siblings(more than likely me or my oldest sister) would have taken the mic and said this is not what my mother wanted or represented.

I think the family asked him. He’s the same pastor that eulogized Aretha’s father and other family members.

LeBron turned me into a Kobe fan last night

Musical Tribute: Faith Hill

Hell if I were to die before my father I guarantee you he will be the ONLY person I ban from my funeral. Not that I think he would show up anyway since he never attended anything in my life except my birth.

Kentucky IS NOT the sou... Lol I’m from Mississippi and I’ve never experience people thinking or showing they may believe “the Southern accent sounds stupid”. If anything people seem to think it’s attractive or act like I’m a unicorn or something.

So were none of these threats taken seriously by law enforcement?

He replied to the tweet. Told Trump to @ him then he @ Trump himself... Trump doesn’t have the balls to be direct, but this Man does. Give him hell, Mayor. Good luck in your election.

That’s a little harsh.. Maybe a good lecturing and stern warning.

He’s just a kid.

“Teaching a Class on Surviving Killing an Unarmed Black Man”

My only wish is that he had waited a couple months to say this. By November most people would have forgotten about these comments. But if this is just a sample of his stupidity and racism to come then hopefully he will dig himself into a very deep hole by November.

You should get on your friend’s case about that then like I do with my family and friends.

It works with GOP candidates for governors in states not on the border that campaign on “tough on open borders”.

I wasn’t following Florida’s race closely, but Gillum is the only person in the governor’s race that I was aware of lol. I’m honestly surprised his win is being called an upset or surprise.