
I’m saying if he didn’t have his military and POW history but still became this same politician. How would people speak of him.

LMAO you’re wrong for that!!

If McCain was never a serviceman his “legacy” and the way people talk about him would be totally different. I think most people “except Trump” but a filter over every word they say about McCain.

It’s interesting that when these companies finally start to crack down on actual fake news and propaganda, Trump wants to step in and make sure the fake news is on the forefront.

This isn’t the first time Carothers has been charged with murder. In 1999, the teeth-deficient suspect was convicted of second-degree murder and was charged with another murder in 2011, but pleaded guilty to lesser charges

Lol I think the actress didn’t deliver that line right. I think she could have said it in a different way to make it sound non-hurtful. But Kelli also seems like someone who doesn’t gaf. So she probably really meant that.

Trump running? With bone spurs and what not(overweight slob...)?

I just know the post-Trump Republican party will try to pretend like a POTUS Trump never existed and will deflect and disparage every non-GOP individual that gets angry, raises their voice or mentions Trump. Then ask for a sense or decorum or some bs.

Yea, Molly has been too pampered with her previous job. But she always seems to be looking for something better than(or at least complains about) what she has. So maybe she will just constantly look for a job that satisfies her. Once she’s knocked down a peg or 2 I’m sure she’ll start getting use to and enjoying this

Is it safe to say at this point we know all there is to know about Daniel? I’m neither for nor against “team Daniel” but I just don’t feel like there is more to his character. I can’t even say he’ll be a memorable character if he disappeared from the show like Lawrence did this season.

You live and work in the south and you don’t want to be called ma’am?? Then move your ass further north or something.

Keep in mind that if they Dems take control of the House they can subpoena his tax returns and any other information they need on Trump. I wonder how the GOP in the Senate will defend not impeaching him after all the evidence is presented.

Fun fact(according to the Washington Post): “Trump tweets the word ‘Africa’ for first time as president — in defense of white people in South Africa”

I want someone to simply ask Trump or Sarah Sanders(they may have asked her and got a none answer)“did you have an affair with these women?” No one asks that...

Black Republicans usually look so... tool-ish. They have this (African American in skin color only) vibe going on. I always think of Tim Scott. He seems like someone that decided early on that he would disavow any relationship with the Black community.
 From what I’ve heard him say about his upbringing(single

At this point I think they know exactly why the players are kneeling. They are just too hell bent on keeping the narrative that players are “disrespecting the flag and troops”.

It get it lol

We both know they won’t believe that. Fox news won’t say it so they won’t think it is true.

Can’t stand when someone says “I’m a serviceman or veteran” or “My parent/child/sibling or whoever is/was a serviceman” and they are against the players kneeling and “disrespecting the flag and troops”.

When that announcement happened I did two things: 1) Thanked my dad for his on-time payment to the streaming service that allowed me access