So I was completely confused to learn that that White House fired a speech writer, Darren Beattie, after learning that he had appeared at a conference with white nationalists when
So I was completely confused to learn that that White House fired a speech writer, Darren Beattie, after learning that he had appeared at a conference with white nationalists when
There probably isn’t much overlap. But since Kylie mentioned or helped promote the album, her fans bought it.
Along with that she tweeted “But I did write a new freestyle n I’ll record it later”
With lawyers like Giuliani who needs prosecutors??
Tevin Campbell can sang better that 98% of your faves, and do it effortlessly
“I was like, ‘well if the first thing you think of is to call the police then you might as well just do that because it must be that urgent for you to call the police, I must be making such a big scene that you need to call the police so go ahead,’ and then I walked away from her.”
I deeply regret the comments I made that have proven hurtful to so many.
She keeps dropping these tapes. I can’t wait until the very last tape drops. She has to be saving the best for last.
My first and only celebrity crush, ever. Every since What’s Love Gotta Do With It.
This may have happened closer to the Giant on H Street, but either way yes. The same streets that many Black people still frequent.
The way I see it they saved her life by beating her ass. They could argue that if they didn’t shut her up, that anger and mouth would have gotten her killed out in these streets. H street to be exact.
My mother assured me that my face would still work once I washed off the watermelon rind. She even asked me if I wanted to go to the hospital to get an MRI just in the watermelon inhalation damaged my ability to do long division.
Rest in Power Queen
There’s a Costco off New York Ave/Baltimore Washington Pkwy heading towards MD. That’s what I was thinking.
If you’re going to be addicted to pop/soda get the regular stuff, not diet..
I’m glad the Father didn’t let that school make his son cut his hair. I can tell Jr. Is proud of his hair. Shame on the first school for ruining that kid’s first day then try to hide behind Jesus.
Whether Trump is racist or not really only matters to Black people and other minorities, but we already know he is. Trump is on tape pretty much admitting to trying to rape a woman. White people still made sure he became president and constantly defend him.
His mind (or whatever it is called in Trump’s case) doesn’t work that way. Also “no tapes” could mean that they were destroyed. Or maybe Mark was messing with Trump and said “no tapes” but there are discs, servers, media storage ect.. wink wink...
This is a great time for the “good” White people, especially those who worked for The Apprentice in any capacity to step up.
I just knew she was going to drop the video last night after it was announced he won the primary.