My good ole Mississippi. Just couldn’t sit back and have these other racist states make people forget you are still alive and racist.
My good ole Mississippi. Just couldn’t sit back and have these other racist states make people forget you are still alive and racist.
I honestly wouldn’t be able to tell that is Tiana if you hadn’t’ pointed it out.
“Things are not always what they appear to be,” Tariq El-Shabazz, Shuler’s attorney said, asking supporters to hold judgment. “These are just allegations without any meat or any substance.”
The title of this article would be a great title for her memoir...
Also is he talking during the anthem? He barely has his hand over his heart. Looks like he’s touching the center of his chest with his fingertips. He’s not being attentive at all.
Erika Alexander should be on this list too.
Tina Turner definitely should be on the list.
None of this surprises me...
Living with Molly would be similar to living with Daniel. Dro would still be coming in and out and Issa would hear Molly and Dro getting it in instead of Daniel and whoever.
What I need to see is Melania wearing a campaign pin of a Dem candidate or whoever runs against Trump. Then I’ll know it’s real.
I bet he really wanted to call her a “n****r”. But I’m sure his supporters understand where he was going with “dog”.
What happened Sunday is a prime example why they have an issue with us protesting but have nothing to say when the KKK is marching the streets. We come out in high numbers and watch their numbers dwindle.
You could easily live your entire life in this country without meeting a single person who believes anything like that. Most of us have lived lives like that, I have. In fact, this is a generous, tolerant country, it always has been that.
Don’t be surprised if ICE pays these restaurants a visit soon. He was probably scouting a potential roundup.
In response to El Tiempo’s statement. Go to hell... Have the honor of serving yourself several seats.
Ummm... There’s a reason I put“christians” in quotes. And why I said “some”.
Nah I meant MPD. I just didn’t want to type DC’s Police Department and didn’t think people would know what I meant by MPD lol
I think you’re stuck on the “nazi” term lol. Take that out and you’ll find that some white “christians” and “nazis” are one in the same.
Still the Metro allowed that. Also I believed they closed or locked the gate at Vienna Metro for awhile unless I saw and read wrong. Does Vienna or whichever police department have keys to the Metro entrances as well? Unless it was Metro officers, I think they overstepped their authority.
I did see police officers going out of their way to protect Jason Kessler, a man responsible for last year’s terrorist attack in Charlottesville. I did see a city Metro System give white nationalists a PRIVATE metro car just so they could get to the city safely. I did see a city bend over backwards and spend…