
She best just stay blacklisted..

Just be careful

Still waiting to see why Nunes is so hell bent on protecting Trump. What does he have to gain from this train wreck? I hope Mueller finds something on him in connection with Russia too.

On one hand I would like for no one to go out and protest this rally and for no news organizations cover it. Don’t feed the devil. Just lit these racists be ignorant by their lonesome. But I know Fox will give them an ass load of airtime. So I would hope that others are filming (but not airing) what happens just in

I just know there’s a meth lab or bunch or heroin somewhere on his property.

Nope Nope... She still shouldn’t get an invite.

It’s good to see that the parents didn’t come out and deny what happened or act like “he’s just a kid”. I know my mom would be on tv telling the authorities “you better find his ass before I do”.

So vaccines “causes” people to become autistic and being autistic causes people to be racist? I smell a conspiracy afoot....

If you think about it, do we ever see White men even uplift White women?? They’re probably seeing Black women being uplifted by other Black women and Black men and are feeling left out by their own lol. Poor things.

I’m about 99.999999% sure Green Party candidates are just in it for the money. You know you won’t win so may as well just line your pockets at the detriment of the country?

This is the kind of change we need. Start locally. Expand nationwide. Come on November. Each and every election is important.

Every person that didn’t vote for Hilary because they believe “a woman can’t lead” will be the same people that will not vote for Kamala. Add in the fact that she isn’t white means a lot less votes for her. Also add that she doesn’t seem to tip-toe around the the racist foolishness currently going on in this country

Never too late to learn to swim. Better to know how to and need to than to need to and not know how to.

You missed a chance to mention the Black asses who are saying “so, they are still being taught what White people want them to learn”.

“I’m a white, clean girl,” she insisted.

The purpose they stated for removing the star is surprising. I thought they were going to say because it is too expensive to keep replacing it...

Yea thanks, I figured he’s one when he started talking that MIT and 30 years in IT nonsense.

Haha I know. The video should have ended with “But wait. There’s more.” followed by the article.

Just can’t take my word on it? Lol

He was arrested afterwards. He’s due in court in October.