
I guess that’s the same thing the racist dude that was yelling at her was thinking huh...

As a native Mississippian I would like to say that my state has been a great job (or piss poor depending how you look at it) of letting other states steal its claim of most racist state. Florida seems to be outdoing itself tho..

Is it really a surprise? With as many technology companies and high ranking colleges there I don’t think I would be surprised to see African Americans living in more expensive neighborhoods.

He really tried to go face-to-face and out-yell/argue a Black woman? He should be locked up just for his stupidity.

If they live in the same city and frequent the same area/spots they would cross paths at some point. Hell it could just be them passing each other and saying “hey, what’s up”. That’s pretty much how life works.

What I admitted is that if everything turns south then it’s Trump’s fault. Pres. Obama left the country at a good place so Trump just has to not screw it up. If everything stays good or gets better then Trump can take credit for not turning everything to shit and/or building onto what Pres. Obama handed over to him.

Are any of these Churcless Pastors or any of the “Pastors” that were kissing Trump’s ass even leaders in their own communities? My guess is no.

You know... If she had said “nigga” instead of “nigger” maybe that argument would’ve kinda/sorta/almost worked. That could have been considered a “slip-up”.

Problem solved!

Which is why I always pay for my groceries at self checkout ;)

Having to go through all those tweets... How many man-hours will that take? Poor guys.

I think it is just a standard Adidas chip. Putin has enough ways to keep tabs on Trump. Hell I’m sure the Russians that Trump had a private meeting with in the WH last year bugged the entire room.

Fun fact: Michael wrote and produced this song. Also you can hear him singing the background vocals.

She has always my favorite too! I hope her next album and singles get lots of support.

So they are mad that a Black woman is playing a character that was/is an orange colored alien?

Once he unnecessarily broke the window and dragged dude out the car he couldn’t have been “within the scope of the law”. Everything he did at that point and after should be grounds for termination at the least.

Trump is saying no today because Putin told Trump that he heard what he said about him and Russia Tuesday.

They’re going to start taking pictures like hunters do after they kill a deer.

Trump, Fox News, all of these Republicans basically keep inviting Putin in their house and let him shit on their carpet while he’s staring them right in the face.

Yea I think that’s unofficially-officially known as the “thot” filter. Or something like that