
My understanding is that this decision is actually costing them money too, since the money they were getting more than covered the cost of the food. That is, they’re losing money just to stick it to poor families.

Considering that ‘feed the hungry’ was on Jesus’s short list of good deeds, this is perfectly sickening.

Many schools have been going to ‘free lunch (and sometimes breakfast) for all students’ for several years now. Because one of the easiest ways to increase school success is to feed your students.

I have any number of issues with Jesse Jackson, primarily his activities in the international arena, but his record as a civil rights advocate and leader in the United States far outweighs all of that. I pray for his and his wife’s full and speedy recovery. Not because of his successes or in spite of his failures, but

/sigh  You’re about to get eaten alive.  Let me know where I can send the wreath.

“Tacky voyeurism” sums it up nicely.

It’s entirely possible the problem is that I am an old and I lived through this whole debacle in real time, but is anyone else...not at all excited about this? I bear no ill will toward Lewinsky—she seems funny!—and there’s no doubt she got treated like absolute garbage at the time. Hell, it might have even been a

These are all people who believe they are special, so they won’t ever, ever, ever learn from other people’s mistakes. They rarely even learn from their own, because they are always right, so if the impossible happens and they face an actual negative consequence, they rationalize it away as somebody else’s fault or a

I think we’re being unnecessarily petty here. She could be both broke and cheap.

Yanno, given the fact that the mayos don’t like to bathe, I’ve no problem not setting foot in their funky ass bathtub they call a pool.

This is why I stopped eating cat shit weeks years ago.

You would think after ALL of the incidents of the past year that these bitches would learn, but no.

Karen, who is one of three members of the Homeowners’ Association pool committee”

Sorry, if that was my son, whether he’s present or not, that bitch would have had her face caved in. This mother is far more present and aware than I and so I hope she gets the proper outcome. If it was me, I’d be jail.

Blacks have been beaten and abused by white folks forever in this country (with absolutely no consequences). And then act surprised when the same behavior is turned on them (usually with very bad consequences).
All the way fucked-up. 

These miserable witches are just going to keep doing this even if they get their ass beat, have to pay fines or go to jail because they feel entitled to dominance over Black bodies, control over public spaces and see themselves as “The Mistress”. I hope that no Karen hits a child in my presence or runs all up in my

I am convinced that the Karen phenomenon is being caused by toxoplasma gondii.

You are not entitled to your parents money whether billionaire or hundreaire. It seems she may some poor decisions, and now she wants to be bailed out. Why the hell does she have four kids? Why isn’t she visiting social services? And we don’t know if Dre tried helping her out in the past and maybe she keeps fucking

That one was hilarious. The supervisor told her to try Spirit, with a straight face. 

I doubt anything will happen to the Victoria’s Not-so-secret Racist, if the police’s reaction in the store itself is any indication.  Scumbags treated the victim like she was responsible and tried to make sure Temper-Tantrum-Tammy wasn’t hurt physically or emotionally.

I think one of Bourdain’s friends said - or maybe this is how my brain is making sense of it - that his relationship w/ Argento and her impact on him was an indicator that something was up with him, rather than her causing him to behave a certain way/do certain things.