
Jenner hilariously objected to her former golf club demoting her, bc they didn’t allow women to have full membership privileges . IIRC she somehow managed to lobby them into allowing her to  keep the membership, while still excluding women. She’s also spoken out against trans girls participating in sports despite the

Oh, absolutely. I’m way more scared of the frat boys who hang out in P&L on weekends.

I live in KC, and I have seen posts warning about the Prospect Ave “area” for a few weeks. It may well have only been on that street, but It’s kind of short hand here for the neighborhood. There are lots of supermarkets, convenience stores, bus stops, library, youth centers, and a hospital on, or right off Prospect.

I have a lot of nurses and hospital admins as clients. All of them told me they are expecting a major brain drain, specifically from the 2 major teaching hospitals here in my city. Medical schools are ending OBGYN residencies in red states. They are not expecting a huge drop in people enrolling in med school or

He seems to be a decent and kind person who likes to live a relatively low key life. But he’s famous enough that he can blend in to her world in a way that a regular person couldn’t. That must be a huge relief after Kanye

He also has weird conspiracy theories about JFK’s & RFK’s assassinations, and doesn’t think his cousin killed Martha Moxley.  

I worked in a live music venue in the 90's and sometimes bands were labeled “difficult” or “weird” and male staff would take over stocking the green room and providing cocktail service. Also, there were some bands who got the gruff, old school male driver, instead of what was then called a “hospitality girl” to pick

Yes! My god, that traumatized me so much, since both my parents were chain smokers. I thought the house would go up in flames 50 times a day 

It’s because schools used to show a Disney movie about fire prevention that ended with the family dead, and their dog wandering among the ashes looking for them. It was deeply traumatizing! I  am paranoid about even leaving my crockpot or Instant Pot on when I leave, even though I know it’s completely safe

I loved loved loved that show!

I’m absolutely not excusing that kind of condescension. No one should be dismissed when they are looking for help, especially about their health. But yeah, doctors do assume you can’t understand. I happened to have my scrubs on when I visited my dad after bypass surgery and his MDs and nurses gave me so much

I work in health care, and my professors used to insist that we shouldn’t explain health care issues to our patients because it was simply beyond their comprehension. The average American reads at a 7th grade level or below, and I can tell you from experience, that many many people can not understand the most basic

A close guy friend of mine recognized that he had no life skills and asked me for help, when we were in our mid twenties. I taught him how to grocery shop, how to pick produce, how to plan a meal, which cleaning products to buy, how to clean up after himself. All things that had been drilled into my head by the age of

I wonder if he also saw the person recording him as well? 

White person here—I will not go into public pools for this reason. If it’s really hot, I might soak my feet.

This is absolutely correct. I used to work in the service industry. I have witnessed people getting angrier when their complaints are quickly addressed, bc they actually just wanted to yell at someone, not have a problem corrected . I no longer work as an esthetician bc I couldn’t take the Karens using what should be

If a member of my family murdered someone in cold blood like Chauvin, not only would I not defend them, I would publicly condemn them and cut them out of my life forever. I literally cannot think of a single person in my aquaintance who would defend someone like him in court. But then again, I don’t have racist

Agreed! Also, I still resent how much pressure I used to get from coworkers and bosses to buy cookies, back when I was an office drone. I’m allergic to gluten and they would still guilt trip me and get angry when I refused to buy them. 

I keep seeing comments elsewhere about how awful she was treated by comedians at the time. But I remember all those jokes were generally in response to something awful she’d said. In her heyday, I read the gossip blogs and Defamer and Gawker. There were stories about her pettiness and cruelty almost every week. And

I couldn’t stand it either. Kate already had money and ran in a very chic circle, so I have never understood why she is willing to tolerate the crap she does. I could almost understand it, if this was the only way she would ever have access to that lifestyle. But she was already running in a circle of friends that