
My feed has been full of videos of cops menacing and harassing people to a degree that is bordering on the bizarre. Maybe people are just posting more, but many of the interactions seem to be cops escalating things while fully aware that they are being filmed. I saw two cops destroying a Duante Wright memorial while


I think Colin has a couple other siblings, and considering I don’t know their names, I’m assuming they’re normal and cool. Maybe Chet was just wildly overindulged

Remember Rita absolutely praising that super weird video Chet made of himself speaking patois? It would have been so easy to just not say anything 

If a store manager felt comfortable calling the cops on 2 black guys simply for existing,, it’s because she knew corporate would back her up. The entire business model of Starbucks is to encourage people to loiter: they provide free wifi and use of electrical plugs. In grad school, I used to spend hours at Starbucks

I genuinely think this is a fantastic idea

Why...are they wearing pearls with shorts?

I really don’t think Ladybird is very similar to Real WOmen have Curves. RWHC’s is about a very motivated, ambitious girl who rejects the limitations her culture puts on women, and whose mother wants her to go to work and support the family and give up her dreams of going to college and having a career. It’s been a

I really don’t think Ladybird is very similar to Real WOmen have Curves. RWHC’s is about a very motivated, ambitious girl who rejects the limitations her culture puts on women, and whose mother wants her to go to work and support the family and give up her dreams of going to college and having a career. It’s been a

They don’t get the deduction, so donate away!

Oh shit, are we sisters?

Oh shit, are we sisters?

I stopped going to a neighborhood cooking class that I really liked because I was the only single woman there, and everyone else was either there with their kids or their partner, or they would bring up their partner into every conversation. It didn’t bug me in the slightest to be there alone, but everyone acted so

I read that her family sold everything they own to move to the States & make her a star. That seems so fucking weird & predatory. There is so much quality TV and film production in the UK. The kid is clearly talented enough that she could have slowly built a nice long career. This sort of early childhood stardom

It’s a restaurant chain. Their pizzas are probably $14-15 each.

Yearsago,an acquaintance once knocked on my door at 2:00am because he noticed my lights were on when he drove past my duplex . I called the cops and locked myself in my bedroom. I only found out it was him because he actually complained to a mutual friend about my incredible rudeness in not coming to the door.

She was fucking unbearable. I only lasted 5 minutes and I adore HDTGM

What is this from?!

What is this from?!

My parents did as well. I wonder if this is something that the parents of white boys never think about? Especially if they are middle class or above? I knew a ton of rich white boys from a neighboring private school when I was in HS, and most of them did not give a fuck how they presented themselves. They would show