

Yes, I think it would have. Thank you for making me laugh so hard.


Worst Amy Schumer sketch ever.

Gee this is new, I didn’t know you could announce you were having a “panic attack.” Shit woman you are the one out of control not her. I mean there needs to be a video series called “Karen’s Gone Wild.” This bitch is a teacher. Yes a teacher she works with children. She should lose her teaching license. White women

These people are literally toddlers who have never reached the emotional maturity level of an adult. This is literally a textbook case of Histrionic Personality Disorder and I GUARAN-FUCKING-TEE you this woman has done this to other people before.

Oh you mean the same tik tok that censors videos that have tags like “black lives matter” and “black audience” but is totally fine with tags like “white lives matter” and “white audience”?

She pulls out every play in the fragile white girl handbook on this one. Racist freak out? Check. ‘Emotional Breakdown’ as soon as she realizes she’s being filmed? Check. That doesn’t work so she pretends to pass out? Check. That doesn’t work so she lashes out violently again? Check. Cops show up and she turns on the

Also, for some reason Tik Tok removed her account after posting the videos, but allowed them to exist on another person’s account who reposted them to millions of views? What’s that all about?

If I was Bryan Cranston I’d’ve demanded duplicate meth-cookin’ tighty-whities.

I miss that look but I see why it’s not practical. Even a cheap off-brand wooden barrel is going to cost a hobo more than a set of clothes.

You’re drastically underestimating how good at fucking over creatives Hollywood studio accounting departments are. Some examples of movies that have (according to their studios) never turned a net profit: Return of the Jedi, Forrest Gump, Men in Black, Spider-Man, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix... the list

This explains why he’s been wearing nothing but a barrel with suspenders since Avatar came out.

10% of profits would not be 10% of the box office gross. Likely the studio would have found a way to claim Avatar lost money.

Because they hate their kids more and rather put them in daycare while they get drunk off boxed wine.

I see no better candidates for home schooling, then. Keep those kids at home, teach them whatever vile shit you want, and then release them in to the world with all the “skills” and “lessons” you’ve taught them...

They couldn’t define CRT if their lives depended on it. They just want to deny slavery ever happened and pretend everything is equal and Black people are just whining.

How many completely stupid and forgettable sitcoms has Kevin James done since King of Queens ended? Jesus Christ why does this guy still do these

Seriously, I just watched Salt Fat Acid Heat. I thought it was a show on *how* to cook, not the utterly delightful documentary that the first three eps are.

I watched a couple of episodes of ‘Bonding’, and it deserved to die. There are scenes where the central character bypasses consent and/or violates someone’s boundaries, and it’s passed off as not a problem, and the protagonist is just shitty about her friend’s sexual preferences in general. (According to Wikipedia,