South of Heaven

It’s kinda great! Really feels like they grabbed some old sci-fi paperback off the shelf and put it onto the screen. The royal lineage, warring houses stuff ( I haven't seen it since it came out so I can't remember specifics) feels almost Dune-ian in its ambitions, albeit intentionally more fun and silly. 


Thankfully South Park has a good reputation for treating addiction disorder with the proper medical reverence.

Hi Murry. I don’t understand your comment. Are you saying you doubt Franco has sexual addiction or that sexual addiction isn’t a real condition? It’s not an excuse, he’s still responsible for his actions, but he’s clearly a sex addict to have hurt as many people as he has and to have lost as much as he has by not

Jupiter Ascending is glorious grade-A garbage. We watched it for the first time while we were high and it was amazing. We don’t re-watch stuff very often but we rewatched it again last week (again, while high) and it was still amazing.

I always thought that was their homage to old stupid but fun sci fi and fantasy books for kids, the kid that haven’t been written since Hunger Games and Twilight made the YA genre all about angst. It is a really fun movie but like Speed Racer it seems made for some alternate dimension where tastes are different and

I know there’s zero chance of this happening, but I hope deep down Biden has had his own epiphany of just how far gone ~40% of the population and an entire political party is, and he’s just like “you’ve been warned to get the shot, people are dying, but if you’d rather die to spite me and my party and to please Dear

Never apologize for loving Jupiter Ascending!

Terry Gilliam himself has a cameo in that sequence.

It's a pretty underrated movie. There's some great Terry Gilliam-esque scenes with the interstellar bureaucracy.

Just looking at the header picture reminded me of how much better life has been since I no longer have to see or read about him anymore but when I read the pull quote, I thought the exact same thing as you. That is precisely the right way to mentally manipulate people into changing their minds.

celebrating a half-remembered, half-imagined era when the owners of publications actually gave two shits about their writers and the subjects they wrote about.

As someone who works in the service industry, I find it hard to believe that any airline employees have at any point cheered him on. Everyone in customer service absolutely loathes customers who make a scene or gum up the works in any way, regardless of why. Even people who are anti-mask themselves don’t want someone

Heh, this is a peril of the youth entertainment franchise, isn’t it? Thinking of how I saw the first two TMNT movies in the theaters and wouldn’t have gone to the third one at gunpoint. That’s kids’ crap!

Anyone else get the vibe that Ridley’s answer was a polite way of saying, “You couldn’t pay me enough to return to the dumpster fire they made of my ‘Star Wars’ character”?

lazy blogger just posted the Netflix Original content that she probably cut & paste (i.e. stole) from a different blog. and didn’t think enough to realize it.

and then at the last minute he never actually gives anyone up except minor players.

She’s lived in a bubble sine she was a teenager. She never had anything close to appropriate social interactions throughout most of her life. And she’s directing her anger at real people who caused her real harm. Cut the gal some slack.

Bah Gawd!  That’s Klaus Kinski’s music!